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The Euro & Dollar – the Essence of Chaos

Nothing has changed with the Euro v the dollar. We are waiting for the turn in 2014 and that remains in place. In order to set the stage for the worst of the worst, we need to move to extremes in both directions. Economically, Europe is a disaster. You typically have the currency rise in […]

Time & Price

QUESTION: Dear Sir, are the following figures still valid. Will Gold fall to USD 950 per Ounce or is it more likely to build the low in the optimum range? Thank you for the great audio-interview and your support of the little guy! T ANSWER: Yes. The timing is 2014 as the optimal target. However, we […]

Yuan & the Death of the Dollar? Good One!

QUESTION: Is this story that the dollar is dead because products will begin trading in Chinese Yuan in Singapore and Hong Kong have any validity or is this more propaganda to covertly sell gold? Thanks RG ANSWER: It is exaggerated propaganda. We monitor capital flows and the flows through Swift transfers. I reported that the […]

Gold Promoters Are Part of the Manipulation Against Investors

I have gotten a lot of emails asking who is who in trying to deliberately mislead investors. Let me state this up front. There are plenty of “shills” out there who are paid to put out bullshit to whip the public into a buying frenzy so the pros can sell the highs. EVERY manipulation I […]

More Global Warming

Thank God this is Global Warming. Can you imagine how much snow would have fallen in Israel for the first time in 112 years had there NOT been Global Warming? I prefer warm weather. It is bloody cold!!!!!! This theory of Global Warming is up there with Marxism. (see LA Times).

Pope – Sorry You are a Marxist & Dead Wrong

I am not the only one who has said the Pope is preaching Marxism. He does not know anything about the economy and what he has said is highly dangerous and likely to justify violence and more civil unrest in Italy particularly. He has responded to critics who have also called him a Marxist: “Marxist […]

Subscription Services

  Our services providing computer generated analysis is the most extensive in the world. We cover every market from Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, North and South America to the Pacific From Japan down to Australia and New Zealand. The Primary Advantage we offer is a consistent analysis not subject to human emotional opinions in […]

Riots In Singapore

The riots that erupted in Little India in Singapore on December 9th are indicative of an underlying problem there. Because of so many foreigners have moved to Singapore, it is widely viewed that they have caused widespread inflation. This has spilled over into a “general” feeling about foreigners even migrant workers causing the problem raising […]

Dow Jones Industrial & BitCoin Correlation?

QUESTION: Hi Martin; It is very interesting that both virtual currencies, Dow Jones Industrial Average(US Stock Market) and Bitcoin, topped out on November 29, 2013. I’m not saying that this is the top of the markets, I’m saying the Dow(US Stock Market) is Bitcoin for the Super Rich. I’m saying that they are both are now […]

Can Human Confrontation be Reduced to a Mathematical Formula?

The answer to the question can human confrontation be reduced to a mathematical formula is absolutely correct. The study of confrontation has long been around and various ways to determine the mood of a mob have produced incredibly interesting studies. There is definitely the madness of crowds where we as humans are influenced by the […]