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Can Cryptocurrencies Survive WWIII?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You mention that cryptocurrency has been orchestrated to get people accustomed to cryptocurrencies for the end goal of the Great Reset – all digital currency so they can tax, absolutely every transaction. All popular blockchains are transparent and provide no privacy but there are some blockchains that do provide privacy and are […]

Population & Social Security – Civil Unrest

QUESTION #1: Dear Martin and AE Team, Thank you for everything you do and have done for us, the little people. My question is this. As you/Socrates have predicted the fall of governments on a global scale, along with the collapse in confidence, of which I am the poster child for, I was a lifelong […]

WHO’s Grand Play for World Power

QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will eventually be locking down for global warming. Will the next “pandemic” be a global warning thus locking down the entire world? BV ANSWER: I do […]

Market Talk – May 4, 2022

ASIA: China’s central bank on Wednesday pledged monetary policy support to ensure ample liquidity, help businesses badly hit by the latest COVID-19 outbreak in the country and support a recovery in consumption. Financing institutions should aim to meet the needs of the real economy, the PBOC said, such as boosting financing for small firms with […]

Sweden – Manipulation or Enhancing a Move?

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates correctly projected the claimed Citibank manipulation of Monday in Sweden. It wrote: “The strongest target in the Daily array is Mon. 2nd for a turning point ahead, at least on a closing basis. There are 4 Daily Directional Change targets starting from Mon. 2nd to Fri. 6th suggesting a choppy coiling period […]

UFOs – Real or Fake?

QUESTION: I’m just curious. President Jimmy Carter said that he saw a UFO which was reported by the Associated Press in January 1978. There are countless reports of UFOs for decades. Some say they have been around for thousands of years. Does Socrates have any ability to confirm or deny such things? FG   ANSWER: […]

Elon Musk for President? Evil Lurking Inside Twitter

QUESTION: Twitter retested the low on your ECM date and the whole rally began from that target. Did Socrates predict what Musk was going to do? And btw, would you support Elon Musk for President? Have you ever met Musk? He is into AI as well. DH ANSWER: Well the answer would be yes, but […]

Market Talk – April 13, 2022

ASIA: China’s imports unexpectedly fell in March as COVID-19 curbs across large parts of the country hampered freight arrivals and weakened domestic demand, while export growth slowed, prompting analysts to expect a worsening in trade in the second quarter. Inbound shipments fell 0.1% in March from a year earlier, marking the first decline since August […]

Why Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi & a Jewish FRAUD

There have been some people who assumed that Zelensky is Jewish and therefore he cannot possibly be a Neo-Nazi. Many in Israel are deeply disturbed by his claims to be Jewish when he married a non-Jew and his children are baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church he wants now banned. Zelensky before the war would […]

Market Talk – April 8, 2022

ASIA: China’s five major state-owned banks have adopted a slew of measures to ease the residential mortgage burden for individual borrowers affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.  These steps include postponing mortgage repayments, extending repayment periods, as well as deferring principal and interest repayments on housing loans, the banks told Xinhua. Bank of China has urged […]