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The ECB on the Verge of Collapse?

  The European Central Bank (ECB) will NOT aid Italy with an EU rescue program if the country or its banks are in financial turmoil. The Italian government is taking the view that Italy has become an “occupied” country and that Germany has conquered Europe imposing austerity and its view of inflation upon the whole […]

Bonds & The Record High Short Position Can Majority Be Wrong?

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, Can you help us better understand the dynamics of the sovereign debt crisis as it relates to US Treasuries? I know we are in a global debt crisis, which will also impact US Treasuries but it seems like short treasuries is the current consensus (I believe they are currently at the biggest […]

Why Capital Flows Are the Only Real Guide to Market Trends

QUESTION: Hello Martin I wish all the best for you. The work you make every day to rise up our understanding about the world is amazing and make me feel a huge respect. it is very inspiring. I’m a small customer of your private blog. I don’t know if you answer that kind of request. I want […]

Is Nature Preparing for a New Ice Age or a Pole Shift?

There is a very curious connection between lakes and volcanos in the Arctic. I just posted how there are kilotons of CO2 coming out of volcanos. There is a similar thing now showing up in lakes in the Arctic as well. There are about 300 lakes across the tundras of the Arctic. However, a scientist reports that she […]

Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have heard people say that the Russian sanctions were intended to overthrow Putin. Is it true that the Neocons believe that Russia will collapse and they will then walk in and take control of all their nukes? PV ANSWER: Believe it or not, the answer is YES!!!!! These people are HIGHLY […]

Katla Building to a Major Event?

They claim that all the world’s nations combined pumped nearly 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, according to new international calculations on global emissions published in the journal Nature Climate Change. That is 32 kilotons per day when one volcano Katla, which is a huge hidden […]

Market Talk- September 25, 2018

The Asian start seemed confused when opening lower, but it was not long before buyers stepped-in. In holiday subdued trading (Hong Kong and South Korea are closed) the Shanghai index traded heavy for much of the day. It was really only the Nikkei that found the strength to bounce and that probably on the back […]

Market Talk- September 24, 2018

The uncertainty continues for China/US trade talks, but this time because China cancelled the talks. It didn’t help sentiment that some core markets (China and Japan) were closed for public holidays which always hits trading volumes. The Hang Seng opened weaker and just appeared to flat-line for the balance of the day, closing down around […]

The most VALUABLE lesson we can teach our children is HOW TO THINK – not what to think

COMMENT: Good day Sir; How in the world do you do it? It is one thing to develop Socrates and assist clients, but yet another to keep up with and tie in the global events to the waves. I know you don’t sleep much Martin but I have not been dressed in a week and still I […]

Trying to Forecast Long-Term Technology Trends

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a hard time envisioning this age of knowledge some claim is behind cryptocurrencies and others claim is behind robots that necessitate a guarantee welfare system. Do you give any credence to these type of forecasts of the long-term future? BG ANSWER: No. This idea that we advance to a higher state of […]