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Market Talk- January 15, 2018

    Todays Asian session really looked like a game of two halves! Initially we saw core outperform for both the Shanghai and Hang Seng, but by afternoon trading and into the close prices had drifted into negative territory. The Yuan appreciation probably has much to do with the move, but also coming off of […]

2018 – Panic Cycle Year

QUESTION: Mr. Armsyrong; Thank you for an eye-opening conference. Can’t wait for this year. You said 2018 was a Panic Cycle Year and that it would be unlikely to create an outside reversal in the Dow, but we should expect wild times ahead. Is this panic cycle impacting many other markets as well? JV ANSWER: […]

Market Talk- January 12, 2018

We saw a strong response in the Hang Seng index today, taking it to yet another short-term record level. Shanghai also closed positively (+0.2%), but not the +1% performance recorded in the HSI. China’s Trade numbers failed to meet the widely expected 13% releasing at 4.5% which is probably why Shanghai lagged. The Nikkei still […]

Market Talk- January 9, 2018

The Nikkei chased to record highs today following yesterdays national holiday. Closing at 26year high (+0.6% on the day) was an impressive performance made even more-so, by the fact the Yen strengthened. Trading around the mid 112’s looks comfortable this week but looks to be moving higher beginning February. Shanghai and Hong Kong were both […]

Market Talk- January 5, 2018

  It has been a pretty impressive start to the New Year as we close firmer on all core markets and across all core regions. Asia followed US sentiment and added another 1% for the Nikkei, 0.75% for Australia and +0.25% for both Shanghai and Hang Seng. The KOPSI added 1.3% after news that North […]

Is BREXIT in Trouble? Can Britain Survive Past 2042-2044?

The REMAIN crowd is doing everything possible to surrender the sovereignty, dignity, and future of Britain. The left is taking hold in Britain calling anyone who wants to leave the EU is now openly called a “racist” and they are bashing anyone who even appears to be nationalist. While the British pound closed 2017 at […]

Climate Change – Is this an OMG Event?

  QUESTION: Is it in your view a minor cold blip or “OMG we’re all going to freeze to death and run out of food ?” BR ANSWER: We are looking at an unbelievable decline in the energy output of the sun which appears to be the most rapid decline in nearly 10,000 years. The Global […]

MIFiD II Delays…

Talk amongst many traders is that they are so unsure how the new rules and regulations surrounding the implementation of MIFiD II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) are to be imposed, that some even said they were keen to extend their holidays until this mess is sorted out. In other words, until they hear that […]

The EU Bad Loan Crisis to Get Much Worse – The Solution = Financial Pandemic

The bad loan (“non-performing loan” (NPL)) crisis in Europe is well known and many have been calling for this issue to be addressed. In Italy, the bad loan crisis has reached 21% of GDP. While NPLs dropped to 4.8% of all loans in the EU as a whole during the first quarter of 2017, they […]

Market Talk- December 27th. 2017

As can be expected during holiday shortened session, volumes were extremely low and movement similar. The same could not be said for the Euro on Christmas Day though, a large order sent the currency down 3% at one point, only for it to bounce make minutes later. That is often the problem during holiday sessions; […]