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Private People are Better Care-Takers than Academics or Government.

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong- First, thank you for all the research you provide the investment community. I have been duly cautious thanks to your web site — note  I first learned of you through …  web site & and article in The New Yorker. If there has been any lesson to date over the past […]

Global Market Watch Nov 21

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of November 21, 2013.

Gold The Market Update

In gold we have a Daily Bearish Reversal at 1250 followed by 1206, and 1179. But the next big area after 1206 will be 1088. The 1206 number is also a Weekly Bearish Reversal. At this point, gold has to close ABOVE 12816 on Friday just to stabilize. A weekly closing BELOW 12613 will warn […]

War on Gold

  The Battle Between the Gold and Silver Standards of the 19th Century QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, You recently said in your Bitcoin article quoted below:  “This is why they have been waging war on gold”, can you please explain who they are and how one would wage war on gold? ANSWER: The war is not […]

Negative Interest Rates – Coming Soon to a Bank Near You

The ECB (European Central Bank) has announced it is now considering moving interest rates to negative. So those who wanted to know did Larry Summers’ speech have any impact – the answer was yes. This has been floated around behind the curtain. I have been asked about this increasingly over the last 6 months all […]


QUESTION: Martin, I think I fully understand your argument that Hyperinflation can hot occur in an established economy/society and that  currents events are leading, almost inevitably to deflation but, in the same way as the interest rate cycle is turning up, for the majority of us, certainly in the UK, basic costs, e.g food/energy, are […]

Gold to be or Not to be

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Much respect for your work.  Thank you.  Could gold be entering into an extended bear market that could take us past a low in the next couple of years.  I cannot possibly grasp how gold can even be involved in a portfolio with the movement to electronic money. My question is, could […]

Hyperinflation Definition

QUESTION: It seems some people play with the definition of hyperinflation and try to claim that is just 25% or more. This just does not seem right. Can you elaborate? ANSWER: Real hyperinflation is in the thousands of percent, We saw inflation hit 25% numerous times including going into 1980. The dollar did not die. […]

Earthquakes – Predictable?

  The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake 5:12 AM – April 18, 1906 QUESTION: Another thing I thought of is I wonder if your models can be used to predict major earthquakes and other similar events?  I understand there has been some good research done that has found a good correlation between them and solar sunspot […]

Capital Flows – The Key to Everything

QUESTION: HI Marty In your blog on Computer Intelligence you said “currency movement reflects the capital flows.” If the AI is attempting to predict the collapse of a currency, how does it pick this up from currency movements? Wouldnt the collapse in the currency occur first, before the computer can factor that movement in to […]