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The 2014 Conferences

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Tax Revolts and that 309 Year Cycle

QUESTION: Sir, I enjoy reading your writings and find them extremely thought provoking, and ultimately very common sense to me. I have to say though Iam not sure about your assertion that governments will tax and tax. I believe they are trying, and will continue to do so, but take a look at the upheaval […]

China & the Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold. But they seem to use every reason to justify only buying and it rarely proves to be true. If there’s anyone who knows what is really […]

Breakup of Great Britain – 309 Year Cycle

  Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION:  Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as to the way the world is heading and why. One thing I noticed was your 309 year cycle and wondered if that would have any reflection on […]

Real Estate

A number of people have made inquiries as to the “rebound” we had forecast between 2012 and 2015 and the crash thereafter. This rebound is being led but the top end properties due to foreign capital inflows. Those areas that were hard hit 2008-2009 will rebound marginally. They will become even more illiquid after 2015. […]

Capital Flows & Currency Flows

QUESTION: A number or people have asked where to get capital and currency flow data. ANSWER: The capital flows you can obtain from OECD. You have to take the Capital Account and Current Account. We get the raw data that is faster. The Capital Account reflects capital inflows typically for investment, stocks, bonds, real estate, […]

Real Estate Outside USA

  JAKARTA QUESTION: Marty, Many thanks for your fantastic website and daily insights to how the world really works. You are very good at making the muddy waters of economics crystal clear. In the downturn after 2015 will Asia slow as much as the west? I live in Indonesia. Property prices in Jakarta have almost tripled […]

Global Market Watch Nov 22nd

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of November 22, 2013.

Real Estate – Collapse or Liquidity Crisis 2015.75-2020.05

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all the information you provide on your blog. Looking at a chart you posted on the real estate cycle shows the peak in 2007 then a drop and a bit of a rebound into 2015, followed by a huge drop afterwards.  Am I correct in believing we will see real […]

Land of Confusion – Negative Rates May Cause the Phase Transition in Equites

QUESTION:  Marty, Are not negative rates THE trigger for leveraged investments in stocks etc. ?! I mean, if to start with they just go 300 – 400 bp negative (for the savers) this means real zero or already also negative rates for debtors. So, perfect for a leveraged boom into any markets, but of course most […]