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Death Always Creeps in From the Periphery of an Organism

QUESTION: Hi Marty, It seems that one can look at the periphery of an organism and it highlights its future. The sub-prime mortgage crisis that preceded the Global Financial Crisis being a case-in-point. And, dare I say it, Greece preceding what is to come in Europe. This made me wonder if the Chernobyl-like decay of […]

Will Electronic Money Be Deflationary?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read your article “The Tree Has Been Cut” and I’m playing devils advocate here. Catherine Austin Fitts, the Former Assistant Housing Secretary, estimates the re-cycling of Narco dollars into the US stock market is substantial. If electronic money results in better law enforcement and reduces both crime and the possibilities for […]

Global Market Watch Nov. 20th, 2013

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of November 20, 2013.

The Tree has been Cut – Electronic Money Will Force an Underground Economy based on Barter

QUESTION:  Martin, I’m trying to wrap my head around a couple of things… One of your recent blog entries mentioned, “The role of the metals will be as an alternative currency to ELECTRONIC when they terminate “printing” paper money,” and “The only real role for gold will be as an alternative currency not to the […]

Alistair Cooke – Prophet or Historian?

Alistair Cooke was a great historian. He saw cycles also within history. This is a short clip from 1973 explaining that indeed it is the same cycle over and over again.

Computer Intelligence – Judging People

QUESTION: Martin, I am absolutely fascinated with the work that you have done in the field of computers.  I am in “Business Intelligence” and we have a difficult enough time trying to forecast demand for products.   Your work and foresights are astonishing.  I could only wish that I could sit under your training for a month!  […]

Obamacare – Intentional Screwup or Incompetence?

QUESTION: Is it possible for them to mess-up the Affordable Care Act on purpose to blame private healthcare providers in order to bring about the single payee system? Thanks, T ANSWER: In all honesty, this is just sheer incompetence. I was just asked if I would ever consider a job as chief economic adviser. The […]

Gold Manipulation?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, You just wrote, “But rationally looking at this, the seller will actually hurt themselves because they are not achieving the best possible price.” Isn’t that the point, the seller is not attempting to achieve the best price. Your statement acknowledges this is not being done for profit – so then what’s […]

Hyperinflation – All Just Hype

QUESTION: Marty; I assume I understand the bottom line comes down to hyperinflation is just hype because it assumes the government will honor its promises. If they are moving to even negative interest rates and we see a rising tide of bankruptcies of cities and states to escape the unfunded pensions, then it is clear […]

Gold Manipulation or Lack of Liquidity?

On Wednesday there was once again a sharp price fall in gold causing gold trading  to stop for 20 seconds. Naturally people are calling this manipulation. But is that really the issue? Is it simply the fact that trading stops because of the lack of liquidity. Who is behind the manipulation is of course not […]