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Civil Unrest in Saudi Arabia

Perhaps because they were unable to orchestrate the invasion of Syria, the Saudis are turning now against the very people they have been using. They are now seeking to throw out of their country any undocumented person fearing that they will rise up against the government and monarchy for religiously they support no separation of […]

Maternity Leave for Men

COMMENT: Martin, Your latest blog had me pissing my pants in laughter as my business partner in Texas had his Blue Cross insurance cancelled because he didn’t have ” maternity leave”….. He’s a 59 year old man… JG REPLY: This whole thing is a total disaster. This is what happens when the government gets involved.

Teddy Roosevelt – Words of Wisdom

  Snowden would have been a Hero in the 19th Century

Negative Interest Rates & Eliminating Cash – The Summers’ Solution

A speech delivered by Larry Summers at the IMF Research Conference on Nov. 8, 2013, has caused a real stir and is being hailed as brilliant, succinct, and a ground-breaking presentation that explained what many say is the most pressing economic matter of our time. The speech is being widely praised of course by Paul […]

European Civil Unrest is Now Widely Expected by EU

In France, an internal secret report of the French government warns of nationwide civil unrest as the economy simply implodes with rising taxes and higher unemployment. The French people are reported are simply “full of tension, frustration and anger” all because their purchasing power decreases (deflation) in the face of ever increasing tax burdens reported the Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten. […]

Obamacare – Just Brain-dead

NOTICES SENT OUT BY HEALTH INSURERS: While Obama made it sound like the problem has been insurers not willing to write plans, in truth, many plans that did exist were required to be terminated. Looking at the fine print, maternity insurance had to be provided for everyone. The problem, it is not quite understood how […]

How the Mighty Eventually Fall

The embattled JP Morgan Chase drowning now in various legal battles with both clients and regulators has agreed with 21 institutional investors to pay $4.5 billion to resolve claims the bank sold faulty mortgage securities according to Bloomberg. This is just a preliminary deal that covers 330 mortgage bond trusts issued between 2005 and 2008. Drawing […]

Global Market Watch for November 15th Updated

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of November 15, 2013.

The Deflation Gripping Spain

The Austerity measures in Spain have resulted in heaps of garbage all over the place as state workers go on strike for 11 days. Yes, Spain has been forced to layoff state workers and has planned to lay off 1,134 of 6,000 workers who clean the city and impose pay cuts on the rest. Those who […]

The Fairness Study

The interesting aspect of the Fairness Study is pretty much the Democratic and Socialist Agenda. Animals expect to be treated fairly for the same work. Here are two monkeys side by side who have a task of giving a stone for a piece of food. When the money on the left sees he is only […]