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Happy Pi Day – The Crack in the World Financial System

Happy Pi Day   I want to wish everyone Happy Pi Day. I would also like to say I have no symptoms and I did not shake the hands of the Brazilian Press Secretary when at Trump’s Mar-a-Largo. Since he tested NEGATIVE, I have no worries. I have been sequestered anyhow inundated with clients around […]

A Bear Market is Not Likely in the Most Hated Bull Market in History?

Well, here we go again. These people who claim to be experts are warning that it is the fallout from the global coronavirus outbreak that has caused the crash and one says this could be “worse than the financial crisis” of 2008. Another analyst claims to have forecast the 2008 Financial Crisis is now saying […]

The ECM & the Market Crash

QUESTION #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Might the current correction be the set up for the long awaited slingshot move? Regards, BE COMMENT #1: I just wanted to say thank you. I sold out on the ECM and bought puts on the market. You just paid off my mortgage. God bless you! HJ COMMENT #2: Marty, […]

Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant, and populism is the new creed of the political class. Chile imploded into a social uprising that was initially sparked by a student protest over metro fare hikes […]

Forthcoming Books

COMMENT: Marty; the books you handed out at the WEC are spectacular. One first edition just sold for $2,000 on eBay. The second edition is going for $300 on eBay but there aren’t many of those either. I just wanted to say thank you for your generous gift to the attendees. The book is worth […]

Wheat & Climate Change

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for all you do for us little people. I am a Basic member just trying to move my 401K in and out of the markets to try to make a little extra for retirement. Unfortunately I can only make a move once a month. Here is today’s temperature […]

Angkor Wat & Its Decline and Fall

QUESTION: Angkor Wat was abandoned and the whole society seems to have vanished. I saw somewhere that this was due to climate change and the drying up of their canal system. Is this something that shows in Socrates? Best regards MU (Sweden) ANSWER: The fall of Angkor Wat was attributed to climate and abuse, but […]

Discovering Cycles

QUESTION: Speaking of cycles and frequency I guess the question is how to find the exact beginning of a cycle? You say 8.6 is the base frequency. Why not 8.5875? In other words, how do you come up with the exact day a cycle begins? A ANSWER: You have to discover them. The 8.6 I […]

The Disease Cycle Turned Up – Next Peak 2022

1918-1920 Influenza Pandemic QUESTION: Hi Marty, You had mentioned that it is possible that the Ebola virus becomes an issue in 2019, your model was certainly picking a big disease/war event. The Wuhan virus had not been identified at the time however given the recent acceleration of this breakout and the fact it was announced […]

The Hidden Order behind the Mask of Chaos

COMMENT: Marty, The last few days I’ve been remotely attending the 2019 WEC Orlando. Lo and behold, now? three months hence and six days into the new wave?I am simply astounded at hearing how you describe your own amazement with the global confluence of events occurring absolutely everywhere while also curious whether there is merely […]