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Market Update for the Close of March 24th, 2017

  Today a closing above 20775 will signal that the Dow Jones Industrials is still holding firm. We see this period into May as consolidation.  We have technical support at 20147 level and technical closing support at 20702. ONLY a weekly closing below 20000 would confirm a more sustainable correction into May. Otherwise, expect choppiness. […]

The Left is Intentionally Creating a Coordinated Revolution

The left is intentionally fighting to remain relevant. I have written before how there is a global coordination among the left to rule the world and I am NOT one of those people who spout out conspiracy theories. This is no BS and certainly no joke or made up fiction. I was in London when […]

NOAA Continues to Try to Justify Its Criminal Activity

The NOAA is now claiming that independent studies confirm they are right and that global warming is real. The claim only reveals once again how dishonest the NOAA is really acting. This new compilation of temperature records they say is etched into ice cores, old corals, and lake sediment layers, all reveals a pattern of […]

2017 Outlook Report Provides an Overview of the World Economy

The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots globally.  We have looked at the Trump Rally or Trump Bubble that dominates the financial headlines as well as the question of Free Trade coming under assault by Trump and the rising trend of protectionism. We have paid close attention to Greece […]

Connecting the Dots – 2017 Overview

  The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots. Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high […]

The 2017 Outlook

The 2017 outlook report provides an overview of the world economy by connecting the dots. Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high and […]

Now What for 2017

Prepare for the what will unfold by purchasing the “Now What — 2017” report. Written from a global perspective, this annual analysis includes chapters on the euro, Germany, Britain, Canada, Japan, Russia, China, Mexico, and South America.

Included is a global table on the yearly level for all major world markets that includes 2016 closings, buy and sell signals for annual closings, trading prices (as of the completion of this report), resistance, support, and the historical high and low of each market.

2017 Outlook Report Now Available

  The 2017 outlook report is available providing an overview of the world economy connecting the dots. Here we have provided a table should the 2016 closings, resistance and support for 2017, with the buy and sell signals on an annual basis. The markets included see below. Additionally, we have covered the select regions to […]

Status Update on Socrates

QUESTION:  I am writing again to find out when and if the “Trader Level platform” will ever be released to the average follower and subscriber of the “Investor” platform. If I was a cynical individual, I would think its only reserved for those of wealth with the ability to attend the WEC conferences to get […]

Do People Hear Only What They Want to Hear?

QUESTION: You always say the markets cannot be manipulated. Deutsche Bank is turning over the smoking gun. Any comment? ANSWER: It seems you are using the term “manipulation” extremely loosely. You are mixing this term up with collusion and coordination, yes with the intent to “move” a market within the immediate trend which is not […]