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The 80-Year Cyclical Theory v. the Economic Confidence Model

The concept of cycles is becoming accepted in Western culture. Recently, people have been honing in on what they deem the 80-year cyclical theory that marks a major shift in humanity. While this may be true as it takes a few generations to change society, they are not incorporating the additional nuisances associated with the […]

State Wealth Migration

In 2019, New York hosted 72 billionaires. That figure has declined to 62 in 2023, with smart money fleeing the state due to high taxes and crime. The state of New York depends on the top 1% of earners to pay 42% of its tax burden. New York is already operating in a deficit and […]

The Last World Economic Conference?

Question: Mr. Martin Armstrong. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and Socrates. I rely on your models that have yet to steer me wrong when decoded. Your post was quite alarming. I purchased tickets to your conference and have been in communication with others that I have met throughout the years at these events. Everyone […]

Special Council Prosecution of Trump is to Violate Everyone Right to Vote

We have a MAJOR problem with this special counsel, Jack Smith. He sought a gag order to prevent Trump from criticizing President Biden. That had absolutely NOTHING to do with his criminal case. As Epoch Times has pointed out, Smith charged Trump and used grand juries from Washington because 60%+ have responded that they would […]

Biden’s $6 Billion Gift to Iran

The Republicans condemned Biden for providing Iran with a $6 billion ransom in exchange for hostages. “This decision will be extremely deadly. Biden is giving $6 billion to the world’s leading sponsor of state terrorism,” Trump said, promising that the funds would be used for immediate violence and to enhance Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The […]

WEC 2023 – The Road to 2032

We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no human being could have possibly made on such a consistent basis. Sure, someone can luck out and claim to have forecast one thing, but so many consistently is […]

Ukrainian Spy Chief Asks West to Empty Warehouses of Military Supplies

The West has provided Ukraine with EVERYTHING, from weapons, training, and money to removing their opponent from the SWIFT system and irreparably harming their relationship with Russia. The blank checks to Ukraine are real, as we have come to learn as week after week, politicians travel to Kyiv to offer more and more. Major General […]

Tickets Still Available – Webinar this Tuesday

Celebrate 50 Years of Economic Insights: Join Our Special Webinar on the Economic Confidence Model Are you curious about the mysterious rhythms that govern our global economy? Do you want to explore the fascinating world of economic cycles? If so, mark your calendar because we have a special treat for you! Join Us for the […]

Join us for our LAST Educational Webinar Series Before the WEC

Join us for our LAST Educational Webinar Series before the World Economic Conference! Mark your calendar and join us for these insightful webinars: 🗓️ September 19: ‘Understanding the Economic Confidence Model’ Dive deep into the Economic Confidence Model and gain insights into its predictions for the financial landscape. Discover how you can navigate economic uncertainties […]

It’s All Just Propaganda

QUESTION: Do you think it is impossible for anyone to forecast a market from a personal opinion perspective? I have followed your long-term forecasts and they have been amazing. But that is Socrates not you individually. Correct? FD ANSWER: Of course! Nobody, alive or dead, can forecast the future of any market or economy from […]