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Understanding Why the Euro is a Failure & The One Big Happy Family

If you ask in Europe are people happy with the Euro, you will generally get a response of about 80% in favor. Even if you ask are people happy to be part of the EU, the majority over 90% will say yes. The curious thing is they buy this propaganda that on the surface Europe […]

Cancelling Euros

QUESTION: Dear Martin, you are very right that govs intend to terminate high denomination euros. In Germany it has been impossible to pay cash with a €500 note for quite some time now – at least at most of the shops I usually go to on a weekly basis. At the end of last year […]


PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Europe Inundated by Snow Down to Greece & Harvard Study Shows Oceans Are Getting Colder

This winter is once again extremely brutal in Europe. Exceptionally heavy snow has fallen as far south as Greece in the range of even 3 to 5 feet in various places. This is the third year of extreme cold in Europe which has been fueling more resentment about global warming taxes. Once again, Europe has been […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow & Euro for 12/21/2018

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow & Euro for 12/21/2018  Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Will BREXIT force Change in EU & People Hoard Dollars Fearing the Euro Can Be Cancelled?

QUESTION: Marty, your account of Carausius and Postumus being the ancient Brexit is really interesting. Am I correct that whilst this separatist movement failed, it was this Brexit that forced Rome to reintroduce silver? HM ANSWER: Correct.  Diocletian introduced the silver Argenteus in 294AD after the defeat of Carausius’ separatist movement. It is highly likely that old silver denarii were […]

The Brewing European Debt Crisis

Macron is pushing for the European Finance Minister to raise money by selling EU bonds and then distribute the money to the 19-member Eurozone. France is very heavily indebted and here once again we have simply the goal to raise more money rather than reform. Because of the riots in France, Macron is trying to […]

France Has the Highest Tax Rate in the Industrialized World & Worst Investment Record in Europe

What is really amazing is how governments just fail to comprehend that revolution is instigated by corruption and taxes. Nevertheless, they just can’t help themselves. They have to keep taking cookies from the jar until it is empty and then act surprised when the people suddenly rise up. France tops the list of the highest taxed […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fate of the US Share Market is Tied to Europe

PRIVATE BLOG – The Fate of the US Share Market is Tied to Europe Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

USA v Euro Capital Flows

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your forecast that the capital flows would shift from the EU to the USA I believe has been confirmed by both the European bond markets and share markets. The German DAX is trading below the low created in 2017 while the USA is trading above it. Is this confirmation that your […]