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Global Digital Identity of Persons and Objects

The World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published a report that encourages the use of a global digital identity program for persons and objects. The report centers on global trade but is the first step toward introducing global AI tracking. Under the guise of COVID, the two organizations claim that trade […]

Does Zuckerberg Belong in Prison?

We cannot even donate $10,000 to a political candidate, but if you are Mark Zuckerberg, you can help to manipulate elections. He was able to prevent the break up of his company by pouring hundreds of millions into the election and then blamed Russia for buying advertisements on Facebook during the 2016 election. Mark Zuckerberg […]

Elon Musk for President? Evil Lurking Inside Twitter

QUESTION: Twitter retested the low on your ECM date and the whole rally began from that target. Did Socrates predict what Musk was going to do? And btw, would you support Elon Musk for President? Have you ever met Musk? He is into AI as well. DH ANSWER: Well the answer would be yes, but […]

Smart Investor Article (English Translation Provided)

  I recently appeared on the cover of “Smart Investor” after being approached by journalist Ralph Malisch. Click here to read the full interview (German). The English translation is available below: Smart Investor talks to legendary cycle analyst Martin Armstrong about Corona, war and reshaping the world Smart Investor: Mr. Armstrong, in 2015, The Forecaster, […]

Pakistan – Conspiracy or Revolution?

The drama playing out in Pakistan is interesting, to say the least. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted from power after losing a no-confidence vote in his leadership. However, what makes this interesting is that he has previously said he would not recognize an opposition government. Khan has accused that there has been […]

The End of Ukraine – The Cyclical View

QUESTION: Marty; Socrates is always amazing. I understand this forecast of war and Russia comes from the computer and you wish you were wrong. There is a video out there also saying the Bucha is a false flag even showing that people pretending to be dead in the streets with no blood and then when […]

Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and […]

Canada Begins Eugenics Program

While people always point to Nazi, Germany, Canada is no stranger to eugenics. The Sexual Sterilization Act in 1928 forced Indigenous women to undergo sterilizations to diminish their population. Canada provided these women with a skewed “mental deficiency” test in an attempt to prove they were unfit to reproduce. The practice was widespread until the […]

Macron & the April 10th Election

On April 10, the election in France will take place, and Macron is ahead for now with 27% of the vote. But Macron has been using his position as the European Union bloc’s president for six months. Macron has cleverly used this position as a powerbase toward a reelection bid by not merely pushing for […]

Dr. Robert Malone v WEF

Dr. Robert Malone, one of the initial founders of mRNA vaccines, turned into the most prominent critic, plans to expose everyone in the World Economic Forum (WEF). “They’ve been working for 30 years to train people to be their gophers…to do their bidding…there are videos of Klaus Schwab bragging about it,” Malone stated. “All of […]