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Will Hillary’s Criminal Activity End Her Career?

Hillary’s “trust” rating nationally is 37% at best. No one with half a brain trusts her, but what the press is not reporting is rather stark. The White House controls the FBI; there is absolutely no possible way that the FBI would investigate Hillary during her Democratic run for the presidency when there is a […]

A Registered Democrat’s Last Wish – “Please Do Not Vote For Hillary”

A New Jersey woman who was a registered Democrat wrote her own obituary where she asked her family and friends, “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton.” Elaine Fydrych’s obituary has exposed more than political corruption. It has exposed moral corruption among the press who think freedom of the press means the freedom […]

Hillary Claims “It’s All Politics” and Will Not Answer Questions

The State Department e-mails show that Hillary bought the book “Send: Why People E-mail So Badly and How to Do It Better” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe. That book contains a special chapter — chapter six: “The E-mail That Can Land You in Jail.” —showing that she knew what she was doing. The chapter includes a section entitled “How to […]

Hillary, Biden, Trump, and Boehner

Behind the curtain, more and more Democrats are urging Joe Biden to run for president, since the Inspector General suggests that Hillary be criminally investigated for deleting emails and taking hundreds of millions of dollars for her pretend charity from foreign governments while acting as Secretary of State. Our computer model warns that the Democrats […]

Why the Politicians are Laughing – Hillary’s Unapologetic Corruption

According to the Wall Street Journal, total donations by UBS to the Clinton Foundation grew from less than $60,000 at the end of 2008 to approximately $600,000 by the end of 2014. The Wall Street Journal reports that the bank also lent $32 million through entrepreneurship and inner city loan programs that it launched in association […]

Hillary Will Not Reform Banks

Hours after Hillary Clinton vowed to crackdown on Wall Street, by no means will she reverse what she and her husband did in repealing Glass-Steagall. Hillary’s adviser comes from none other than Goldman Sachs, who some call the modern day Rothschilds. If Hillary is elected, she will be perhaps far more corrupt than just about […]

Hillary’s Donors Receive $165 Billion in Arms That She Approved

As Secretary of State, most people think it is only diplomatic. The Secretary of State is also in charge of selling arms to foreign governments. Hillary Clinton was in charge of rejecting or approving weapons deals. It is no coincidence that her department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales; the countries she approved were Clinton Foundation […]

Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Life of Crime

It is very interesting how outside of the U.S. people see Hillary for who she really is What is really interesting is that outside the USA, everyone sees Hillary for what she really is — a greedy politician. Of course, MSNBC would never say a bad word against Hillary for she walks on water. When […]

Hillary – The Corruption Never Ends

More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After all, it was the Clintons who repealed Glass-Steagall, enabling transactional banking that is destroying the world economy. The view of Hillary from outside the USA is much more critical than […]

Hillary Should be Careful Using “Sincerely” to Sign Letters

The popular view of the word “sincerely” has been its possible link to ancient Roman times. The Roman administrators grew tired of the frauds by construction workers and devised an interesting supplement to the civil code. They required that contracts and other important documents be signed “Sincerely” at the bottom. Sincere is a combination of two […]