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California is Highest Taxed State in USA and should join the EU

Governor Jerry Brown never saw a problem that could not be solved by just raising more taxes. This time, the state pension fund is going broke as we have been warning with the building Pension Crisis thanks to mismanagement and low interest rates championed by Larry Summers. California has already increased its gasoline tax by 50% […]

Benchmarks to False Moves – The Constant Cycle of Change

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said China will become the financial capital of the world after 2032. That means the US must decline. At the same time, you have been consistent in forecasting a bull market in the U.S. share market when everyone else keeps calling for a crash. Are the two connected in some […]

The Fed Raises Interest Rates & Markets Rally!

The stock market, gold, silver, and oil all rallied when the Federal Reserve delivered the widely expected increase in its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, the Ides of March. It said that the domestic economy remained on a path of slow and steady growth. In a statement the Fed said that the United States economy […]

The Future – Putting it All Together

This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but a case that requires rational human beings, which seems to be more impossible with each passing day. Never did there arise a […]

Teamsters Local 707 Goes Bankrupt

The Pension Crisis on the horizon is far worse than anyone can imagine. This is the final straw that will break the back of socialism the same as communism fell. Pensions are in a state of crisis for they lost money in stock in the 2007-2009 crash and then sold the bottom shifting to government […]

What About Collectibles?

QUESTION: Hi Marty! I would like to have your thinking about one important thing: the exit of this mess. I was in the last two WEC with my friend Mark and enjoy them a lot and we will be on the next one for sure.The two months that follow the last one in November 2016, I […]

Larry Summers – Who Admits He Cannot Forecast – Forecasts Trump

QUESTION: Marty; Did you see Larry Summer’s comments on Trump. Is this guy completely insane? He says Trump is proposing things off the planet. Wasn’t it Summers who came up with the negative interest rates and supported repealing Glass Steagal? ANSWER: Larry Summers is a classic example of how a PHD means absolutely nothing compared to real life […]

Swiss September 25th Referendum Results

  In the Swiss Referendum today on September 25th, 2016, the only vote to pass was the Intelligence Service Act referendum, where the “yes” vote passed with 65.5%. The flat tax in the Schwyz canton was rejected maintaining the Marxist philosophy of  class warfare. Additionally, both the vote to increase state pensions by 10% (40.6% […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

Free Market v Central Bank

We are beginning to see interest rates rise globally in the free market. After BREXIT exposed the crisis in Europe, the rates began to rise in the peripherals. That will move closer toward the core. The Fed will respond only when the capital sees what is unfolding in Europe and shifts to the States. The […]