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Is Trump Nationalizing the Fed?

Here we go with the same old hypothesis over the Quantity Theory of Money that Trump is (1) nationalizing the Fed, (2) the Fed’s actions are worse than the virus, and (3) Forbes proclaims that the Trump & the Fed are destroying the dollar. It is really fascinating how these propositions running around are not […]

Federal Reserve to Return to its Original Design

The Federal Reserve will return to its origin and it will do what it was originally designed to do. They will lend now on commercial paper rather than just government. As everyone knows,  this has been my strongest recommendation and criticism of Quantitative Easing. The Fed was originally designed to create Elastic Money buying corporate […]

Clash of the Free v Artificial Market in Interest Rates

QUESTION: Marty, I could not help but notice that the array you posted on the Fed also has high volatility at the end of the month and another target the week of March 23. Is this also reflecting the repo crisis against at the end of the quarter? Thank you for Socrates. VH ANSWER: Yes. […]

Jawboning the Fed on Cutting Rates

COMMENT: Hello Martin, I see President Trump is still calling for interest rate cuts from the Fed. I know he is a businessman and with the current situation is he making the right call with all his business knowledge? ( not sure the reason for the name-calling?) Trump presses ‘pathetic’ Fed to cut rates more […]

Fed Cuts Rate on Schedule

The Federal Reserve is in full panic mode. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates Tuesday in a rare emergency meeting, responding aggressively to the growing threat the coronavirus poses to the economy and markets. The Fed lowered its key federal fund rates by half a percentage point to a range of 1% to 1.25%, the […]

Politics & the Bernie Effect

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Like everyone else that has let you know…thanks for the call before the drop! My question pertains to the possibility of the slingshot….as this drop so far has only reached just under 24,700 on the downside, how far down would we need to go to get everyone bearish enough to throw in […]

The ECM & the Market Crash

QUESTION #1: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Might the current correction be the set up for the long awaited slingshot move? Regards, BE COMMENT #1: I just wanted to say thank you. I sold out on the ECM and bought puts on the market. You just paid off my mortgage. God bless you! HJ COMMENT #2: Marty, […]

Fake News – Coronavirus & the Dow

COMMENT #1: Marty, you are the only person who tells the truth in markets. If the coronavirus is spreading everywhere outside the USA, then why is money fleeing from the US stock market to run to places where there is the virus? This is fake news at its best. You are right. This is the […]

Lebanon to Default in March?

  We are likely to see Lebanon default on its payments in March after it has been downgraded deeper into junk bond territory by two of the three biggest credit rating companies on Friday. S&P Global Ratings cut the country’s long-term foreign currency rating to CC, which followed Moody’s Investors Service cut to Ca earlier […]

Gold in Currencies & Cryptocurrencies

QUESTION #1: Marty; On the Private Blog 1/19, you wrote “When we look at the Weekly Array, we can also see volatility rising this coming week. The two key weeks ahead are those of 01/27 and 02/17. Therefore, failure to make a new high warns that we may see a retest of support ahead. We […]