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The Coronavirus Panic & the Dollar Panic

  Following Mondays near 3k point drop in the DOW, today’s attention is brought back to the Repo market and the demand for US Dollars is off the charts! In the FX market, there has been significant demand for dollars with aggressive bids seen against the Euro -9, GBP -7 and CHF -10 for T/N […]

Europe Banning Short Selling – Insanity Continues

Europe has moved as expected and banned short selling in Italy, Belgium, Spain, and France. Politicians fail to realize that it is ONLY shorts who are buying during a panic. Without the short-players, there is NO BID which makes markets far less liquid. Whatever politicians can do seriously wrong, they are doing in spade! I […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2020

ASIA: The Indian government on Monday prohibited entry of passengers from European Union (EU) countries, European Free Trade Association, Turkey and the United Kingdom into India as a step to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said in a circular that no airlines shall board passengers […]

The Fed Makes a Fool of Itself – There is no Santa Claus

This is the very essence of a financial crisis. Despite the fact that Trump cheered the Fed and they cut rates to ZERO, the risk was what would happen if the market continued to fall. Another steep sell off took place which resulted in the halt of trading again on Wall Street as Monday opened. […]

Why do I Meet With Heads of State

COMMENT: Martin – I’m glad you had the opportunity to attend the gathering at Mar E Lago and I hope you had a chance to introduce yourself and your economic track record to president Trump. He is an ego-driven person who loves smearing dirt in the faces of his opponents unnecessarily, but he is business-oriented […]

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

QUESTION: Do you think there is some single plot behind this Coronavirus scare? SH ANSWER: No. It seems that there are a lot of people using this Coronavirus for personal political agendas. Illinois Tollway is now using it to implement All-Electronic Tolling as Precaution Against Spread of Coronavirus. You have others in Europe saying they […]

Coronavirus, Hedge Funds Blow Up & the Elephant in the Room Nobody Notices

I do not like to contribute to conspiracy theories. They are more often just wrong. I have mentioned that there was massive liquidation last week, but it is not over. The largest hedge fund run by Ray Dalio who said “cash is trash” and his #1 guy pronounced that the central banks had defeated the […]

Will Coronavirus Alter the Economy Forever?

I have been doing my own investigation using REAL DIRECT sources who do suggest that the death rate caused by the flu is higher than reported and in that case, the numbers may be understated, but that does involve the elderly in particular. Hence, the death rate here with the Coronavirus may really be on […]

Chaos, Viruses & Cash is Not Trash but King

QUESTION: Marty; first I want to thank you for Socrates. It called the crash in stocks, gold, currencies, and Bitcoin when everyone else was foaming at the mouth. The rumor was that $16 billion in gold was dumped. Was this just trying to crush the goldbugs, or was this more what you said at the […]

Happy Pi Day – The Crack in the World Financial System

Happy Pi Day   I want to wish everyone Happy Pi Day. I would also like to say I have no symptoms and I did not shake the hands of the Brazilian Press Secretary when at Trump’s Mar-a-Largo. Since he tested NEGATIVE, I have no worries. I have been sequestered anyhow inundated with clients around […]