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Dow/Gold Ratio

A number of people have wrote in to ask about the proposition that gold should rise to be equal to the Dow because that is where it had reached in 1980. Sorry, there is no way. In 1980 when gold was at $875 and the Dow was at 1,000, it was the end of a Public Wave […]

“The Forecaster” Makes National News in France

The debut of “The Forecaster” made national news in France and the Finance Minister appeared on TV in response. The fascinating aspect of this entire exercise is expanding the knowledge and awareness that there is a business cycle, its duration, and that we are facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis. Raising awareness is the only reason why I […]

Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to have models that pinpoint dates like October 7th and claim they are using the K-Wave to cover up their theft. Still they fail to understand what you […]

The World Is a Teacher If You Listen

QUESTION: Marty; CNBC even mentioned your turning point. They called you the “fringe” economist. Others call you the “source”, “Mr. Yen”, “globetrotting economist”, “uncannily accurate financial forecaster”, “the “Renaissance man”, the “Legend”, and of course the “Forecaster”. Everyone admits you have been the most accurate analyst of all time. So my question is, will governments turn […]

Gold & Money Supply

QUESTION: Sir; Will the Fed start to print money again if the economy turns down and does this not cause gold to rise? Thank you for your insight in this confusing world of self-interest SH ANSWER: No. The gold promoters constantly tout inflation, stating that the rise in money supply must lead to higher gold prices. […]

Real Estate and the ECM

The peak in real estate may have arrived. At the same time, this reflects the shift away from government bonds. Blackstone Group LP, the largest real estate fund to assemble, has come right on point. Blackstone raised $15.8 billion, creating the largest real estate fund in history. As we have warned, this reflects investment capital shifting into real […]

The ECM Turning Point — Sept. 30/Oct. 1 — Guns & War?

The unleashing of Russian firepower in Syria in support of the Syrian government came precisely on the day of the Economic Confidence Model. I have come to learn from observing this model that major world events, whatever the major focus may be, appear to line up with the ECM. This target has been huge for […]

The Peak in Government? A Low in Interest Rates?

We have warned that capital is in a flight to quality, therefore creating the bubble in government paper. We also warned that the bond market on the long-term peaked in April/May and that we should expect a further rally in the short-end. This significant move has unfolded right before our eyes. The fact that the bonds have […]

Democracy Is More Than A Right to Vote

The first thing government and the majority of academics try to hide is the business cycle for they argue only their policies will eliminate something that is part of nature. We must understand that the origin of all business cycles is humanity. I named one report which has become pretty famous “It’s Just Time” in […]

The ECM Turning Point — 2015.75 — the Start of a Trend Is Now

In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. The vote for Catalonia is in and the separatists have won an absolute majority in regional elections. The separatist alliance and a smaller party […]