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The End of Ukraine – The Cyclical View

QUESTION: Marty; Socrates is always amazing. I understand this forecast of war and Russia comes from the computer and you wish you were wrong. There is a video out there also saying the Bucha is a false flag even showing that people pretending to be dead in the streets with no blood and then when […]

Market Talk – April 5, 2022

ASIA: Japan cannot avoid crafting a supplementary budget for fiscal 2022 as part of measures to mitigate the impact of rising prices on the economy, former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Sunday. His successor, Fumio Kishida, is reluctant to compile an additional budget at an early date as the new fiscal year just started this […]

The Reedy Creek Improvement District

Are you familiar with the Reedy Creek Improvement District? Perhaps you have heard of Disney. A 1967 piece of legislation permitted Disney to operate independently from the government. That’s right – Congress awarded Disney with special privileges to operate above the law:  “The district encompasses approximately 25,000 acres in both Orange and Osceola counties, servicing […]

Comments & Free Markets

COMMENT #1: Well, at least I got the decline accelerating in the Ruble correct and thanks to your models knew the war and commodity cycles were turning up. Getting the fundamentals correct ahead of time is a work in progress and definitely not easy. But while watching the Ruble crashing into weakness going into the ECM, […]

Market Talk – March 18, 2022

ASIA: The global economic fallout of the war in Ukraine is expected to negatively impact India’s economy, while the immediate impact of the conflict on China is likely to be relatively small, the IMF said on Thursday. The IMF said it will lead to higher inflation and current account deficit. The major Asian stock markets had […]

Market Talk – March 1, 2022

ASIA: A top Chinese official warned on Tuesday that China’s economy faces multiple challenges at home and abroad this year, including “huge” pressure from uncertainty over global trade and from still-lackluster domestic consumption. Foreign trade, which helped drive the world’s second-largest economy last year, will be confronted by uncertain external demand and a high statistical […]

The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss

  The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures that we will move into World War III, and this is not my opinion; unfortunately, our computer has never been wrong, for it is unbiased. It called BREXIT when nobody else did, and also forecast […]

Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

I do not know what to say anymore. Biden is mentally incompetent to lead the world no less the United States. He could not find a lifejacket on a sinking ship. Belarus has now voted to change its constitution and deploy nuclear weapons. China entered a new arrangement with North Korea and they shot off […]

World War III Beginning Stages Now

I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set […]

Market Talk – February 23, 2022

ASIA: China will unveil bigger tax and fee cuts this year and step-up payments to local governments to offset their hit to revenues, Finance Minister Liu Kun said on Tuesday, amid efforts to support a slowing economy. China’s strong economic recovery from its sharp pandemic-induced slump started losing momentum in the middle of last year, […]