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1999 World Economic Conference Vancouver

  We have obtained a copy of our 1999 World Economic Conference that was held in Vancouver. We placed the introductory on YouTube. What is interesting is back in 1999, we were warning that the government wish list was to move toward an Electronic Currency. This has been the dream of governments to collect taxes. […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Alive & Well In Canada – Ontario is one of the largest debts in the world among sub-sovereign governments

Those that have been yelling about hyperinflation complete ignore the fact that there are 3 major levels of government Federal-State/Province-Municipal/City and the latter two cannot print money. All three levels simply consume and debt has been the major crisis for centuries. Back in 1514, in the Stutgart/Tubingen area, the lord owed about a million gold […]

What do you Want for Free?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why shouldn’t the rich pay more taxes? You defend the billionaires at the expense of the average person. How do you justify that? ANSWER: There are not enough billionaires to pay the bill for everyone else. Job growth since 1948 in government reached 310% in 2009 compared to 170% in non-farm private […]

Christine Lagarde – The Most Dangerous Woman in the World – IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Extending Maturities of Gov’t Debt to Prevent Redemption

I have gone on record that the most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report that debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual […]

Europe Snubs Britain

It is increasingly becoming clear that the message to Britain is either join the euro or get out. Cameron took a stand that the EU had to reform after the rising tide in elections are clearly against the federalization of Europe that was witnessed in the UK and France. The agenda is to federalize Europe […]

It’s About Fairness

I stopped in the local Starbucks that has a drive through near the office. One person must have had a very good day and they told the server they wanted to pay for the car behind them. When the next car came up, the server informed them the car before had paid for them, yet […]

London & The Labour Socialists

  The feeling in London is certainly one of let the good times roll. What you see everywhere is million dollar sports cars, abundant Bentleys, and no shortages of Rolls. Property inside the M25 (London) has gone nuts. A Friend went to put out the trash and bloke went up to him and offered 7 […]

Capital Has Always Invested on Net Return for Millennia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I think the light just went on. You said that capital invests on a net return basis. This makes sense. If I can make €100 on €100 per year who would not invest. If they tax those gains 80 per cent as Piketty argues, then I have only  €20. If I invest in […]

Fed’s Exit Tax on Bonds – Confirms Liquidity Crisis

The greatest threat we have to the financial stability of the entire global economy is the collapse in liquidity. Governments cannot understand that their desperate need for money that has unleashed the worldwide hunt (or shakedown) is producing the greatest collapse in liquidity on a global scale perhaps in modern history. Even just recently, the […]