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Criminal Prosecutions Are Used to Remove Opponents

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I watched the Forecaster on TV here in Scandinavia. It seems that anyone who is an opponent is criminally charged no matter what the field. FA ANSWER: You are absolutely correct. This tactic has been used actually throughout recorded history. Just read the struggles between the oligarchy and the democracy movement in […]

Market Talk – December 22nd, 2017

Most core Asian indices finished in a positive note with KOPSI recovering some of yesterdays losses but also helped by a warmer rhetoric of language. The Hang Seng traded well following better Technology share performance, but these gains could arguably be reversed flowing BITCOIN price activity seen later in the trading day. Volumes were again […]

Market Talk- December 20, 2017

  Its that time of year again, when volumes are less than comfortable and many just working half-days. We saw a mixed Asian response to the US tax reforms, but to be fair we have seen plenty of upside already. Most core indices edged lower even with currency also losing ground. The Nikkei did managed […]

British Parliament Chaos as Tory Rebels Try to Stop BREXIT

The Tory Rebels in the UK Parliament joined forces with Labour and the Remain Camp to defeat BREXIT in reality. They claim that Parliament will now vote on the BREXIT deal, but in reality, they have created an open door for more uncertainty and economic chaos. The Tory rebels were Mr. Grieve, Heidi Allen, Ken […]

The Separatist Movements in Canada & One-Size-Fits-All of Marx

Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of Alberta. There has been an undertone of the separatist movement in Alberta which actually stems from the Great Depression usurpation of the Federal Reserve by Franklin D. Roosevelt. […]

Trading v Socrates

QUESTION: Marty; All of these Robo trading plans are simply a flat model. Socrates is forecasting short and long-term rather than just trading a flat model. Am I correct? PT, Canada ANSWER: Correct. The approach to modeling is traditionally flat. It will take one market and attempt to create a buy/sell model on that market exclusively […]

Why the Dollar is not Fiat

QUESTION: You have said that coins were still fiat and not tangible hard money. Nobody else has said that. Can you support that statement? DS ANSWER: Of course. During the American Colonial period, there was a shortage of silver in particular in Britain. The British imposed restrictions on what coins could be used to pay […]

Cycles Suck

 COMMENT: The market is always wrong, if all people had all information the eurodollar would not move like in casino in either short or long period, it would be quite smooth. And overall I hate money, if all people were good willing there was no need for money, so money equals bad people and there is […]

Market Talk- December 8, 2017

Asia started where the US markets off and confidence ahead of payrolls Friday, a government shut-down averted and hopes riding high for a BREXIT deal – which ran on the back of Sterling’s strength. For the Nikkei it felt important that we saw a 1.5% rally today taking us back to returning a roughly flat […]

The Shifting Trends in Germany

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you very much for opening my eyes to what is going on in the world. As you well know the public here in Germany is not informed about any problems concerning pensions, banks, economy or trade whatsoever, so most of the people I have spoken to are convinced that “we have never […]