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Global Market Watch

We will be posting the Global Market Watch here on this site since it is best to update after US hours closing or after 7PM EST. Here is the track record of the GMW on the Dow Jones Industrials (Monthly) back to 1929 so you can see how it performed. It is not perfect, but […]

Keynesianism – Monetarism

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, Being a fund manager and with several bigger and commercial clients a commodity hedger, I truly admire your work. Not only that, our research, even by other methodology foremost pattern recognition and cross pattern recognition and liquidity flow detection – comes to very similar results as your calls, but we do […]

Deflation – The Great Equalizer – Now Greece? Was There a Different TESTED Response in History? YES!

Deflation remains a mystery for many because they just cannot grasp the fact that money supply can increase while prices decline. Their heads begin to spin around and they spit out green pea soup because it is not supposed to happen in their mind. During deflationary trends, money supply can still increase but the contraction […]

The Border of Hell

The US border police are out of control and the horror stories one hears and read about the plight of foreigners just traveling ti the USA is shocking. Some Swiss flew to go skiing at Aspen. They were held and sent to secondary interrogation because the moron board control officer thought it was a lie […]

Computers Operated by Human Thought

The advancement in computer technology is critical. While operating a computer is not Artificial Intelligence, this demonstrates what can be done with time.

Saudi Arabia – Behind the Veil

It is becoming more apparent to the world that indeed it was Saudi Arabia behind the Syria event and now they are pissed-off at the US for not invading so they get their pipeline. Oil has been used as a political weapon, but as the US is emerging as energy self-sufficient, the power the Saudi’s […]

The Shift from Bonds to Stocks

PIMCO lost the mantle of the largest fund as capital withdrawals reached $38 billion this year as money moves to equities. The largest fund is now Vanguard. This is part of the cycle shift. While there is likely coming a near-term correction, everything is still pointing to capital flight from bonds and banks into equities. […]

Gold the Real Breakout

QUESTION: Martin Did you imply that a gold bull market really only begins when gold exceeds its 1980 high adjusted for inflation? That would imply that eventually gold outperforms inflation which I do not think it does. Adjusting for currencies and inflation gold would need to about double from here to reach that level. If it […]

Coming ECM Book & 64 Year Gold Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I´m writing to you from Santiago of Chile, to congratulate you for your amazing research, about the Economic Confidence Model and to ask you: 1. What is the correct model to predict the uptrends and downtrends of the Spot Gold Index?. 2.- What are the main differences between the E.C.M. […]

Slovakia is Subject to EU Bail-Ins & IMF Seizures

QUESTION: Will Slovakia also enter into the Bail-in dilemma ? This since most of the Slovakian Banks were taken over by Austrian Banks…. AND as is clear Austria is now in  a total financial mess. Slovenia is Kaput as said in German but what about Republic of Slovakia ? ANSWER: Unfortunately, Slovakia is in the […]