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Canadian Interview Nov 2nd, 2013

Washington Maxim Number One & The Obamacare Disaster

Obama’s signature “achievement” is Obamacare and no matter how dysfunctional it is, the Democrats will never admit its failure and we will spend more and more money trying to hide the flaws. Obamacare is both incompetent and fraudulent for it has been marketed like any lawyer crafts disclosure with exceptions. Obama only promised you could […]

SAC Hedge Fund Being Shut Down – Truth About Insider Trading

We have received many requests to bring on-line our computer analysis for US equities ASAP because of legal developments. SAC’s criminal guilty plea obtained by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of NYC was announced on Monday, is in addition to a $616 million settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There is a new policy emerging […]

Say’s Law

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong could you comment on Say’s Law and the existence of money? Some claim that the General Theory proved that Says’s Law is incorrect. Yet how can one satisfy his desire (desire is a want, demand is a satisfaction of that want) if he does not produce in surplus? ANSWER: Say’s Law effectively stated […]

Dogs Sniffing Cash at Borders

COMMENT: Dear Martin, the information in your blog concerning the hunt for cash in Europe and changes to Swiss banking  laws were reported in the mainstream press today. See NY Times article featuring cash sniffing dogs at transportation centers in Europe. Keep up the great work! John From The New York Times: European Borders Tested as […]

China – Gold – Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION:  Martin…in your previous work, I had noticed that China was due to become the world’s new hegemon by 2015.75.  Several sources that I follow, one included below, indicates China’s voracious appetite for metal, something the west seems willing to accommodate at this point.  It seems the lower the price goes, the more China is willing […]

Feinstein is Legalizing Mass Surveillance for the NSA

You can never trust Diane Feinstein. Her bill that pretends to restrict the NSA is actually legalizing mass surveillance. She is an affront to everything the United States once stood for. We have to question if she is even mentally capable of doing the job given her age. She may simply be suffering from dementia. […]

Hollande’s Marxist Agenda has led to his Collapse in Approval Rating to just 9%

Less than in two years ago, Francois Hollande was elected with great hope and expectations. He has wasted the public hope and trust given him by the voters in his pursuit of the rich refusing to reform the welfare state that even the French believe has gone too far. According to a poll, if the […]

Interest Rates & the Bell Curve

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for answering my question. Would l therefore be correct in thinking: 1) It is a casual (indirect) relationship between interest rates and inflation rather than direct (ie, the strengthening economy will result in short-term cost-push inflation) 2) The exploding government debt (on interest rate hikes) will weaken the dollar over […]

Rising Interest Rates are Bullish – Not Bearish

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Thanks for your awesome website and the vast amount of information that you are putting out there. Could you please clarify the relationship between interest rates and inflation. Why would rising interest rates cause an uptick in inflation? I understand that a strengthening economy puts upward pressure on both yields and inflation, […]