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Ruling the World

QUESTION: Sir, Let’s assume a minute that all countries around the World (all Central Banks together) sit with you and say: Mr Martin, fine, you are absolutely right in your forecasts and now we are listening to you. What should we do to solve all our problems like debts, socialism, trades, etc and have a […]

North Atlantic Record Setting Cold Blob Emerges

The fascinating aspect of the environment is this unprecedented bias that somehow humankind has altered the climate. Why these scientists do not try to see if such a trend is natural and extends back before 1900 is just mind numbing. A record setting area of cold water was found in the North Atlantic, which has […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

Secession in the Winds: Texas & Catalonia

Our Cycle of War uses the Wheeler Index. However, there were some major problems with overlooked key events. So we corrected the data and extended it for the period following his death. We then created a parallel index correlated to economics. The result was an apparent series of cycles and a correlation with the economy […]

Did Gold Survive the Depression?

Some people totally confuse gold and money. During the Great Depression, we were on a gold standard. During a decline, ALL assets will decline against whatever is money, just as money declines during a boom. You need to separate MONEY from gold or you will never understand how the economy functions and you will buy gold when you […]

About Us

Armstrong Economics offers unique perspective intended to educate the general public and organizations on the underlying trends within the global economic and political environment. Our mission is to research historical cyclical patterns and market behavior in timing, price and crisis to better understand and identify potential future trends, using an extensive monetary database and advanced proprietary models. Read […]

The Dow & the Computer

The Global Market Watch picked the May high and the August 24 low in the U.S. share market. It is warning that we may have a temporary high in 2015. If we penetrate the August 24 low, then we may indeed fall to the 13000-14000 area leading to a slingshot move back to new highs. […]

Bubble Bubble, Where Is the Bubble?

Whenever I warn of anything using the word “CRASH”, the newspapers immediately report it as a forecast for a crash in the stock market. This demonstrates that there is no consideration that government can also crash and burn — the perfect example of 100% confidence. Yes, if this week simply closes on the Dow below 16280, then […]

2015 Solution Conference DVD

This DVD is the full-length version of the 2015 Solutions Conference. This two-disc set includes chapters such as “Solution for the Future”, “The Business Cycle”, “What is Money?”, and more. As an additional bonus, the PowerPoint presentation from the conference is also included in this DVD. This DVD is now available exclusively through Amazon. To […]

France’s Credit Rating Cut – Another Country Downgraded

“The Forecaster” (l’Oracle) made national TV in France and was played when Finance Minister Michel Sapin appeared on air. The host asked Sapin directly about the business cycle. While Sapin claimed nobody can forecast, he then proceeded to forecast that the French economy would boom next year, posting a 1.5% growth rate. Now Moody’s downgraded […]