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Crisis is Shutting Down – Capital Flows Begin

QUESTION #1: Now that Canadian banks have proven themselves completely compromised by Trudeau and his bootlickers, is there a “safer” haven for $CAD? US$ accounts held by Canadian banks are available but are they really any better? D QUESTION #2: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks to your Blog I learned a long time ago that Europeans […]

Market Talk – April 28, 2022

ASIA: India will provide a subsidy of 609.4 billion rupees ($7.96 billion) for phosphatic and potash-based fertilizers over the coming months to insulate farmers from higher global prices, the government official informed. The subsidy will cover the period to September 2022. India provided a subsidy of 571.5 billion rupees for the previous 12-month period ending […]

US Asks Germany to Hold Off on Russian Energy Sanctions Until Midterm Elections

Reports are circling that the Biden Administration has begged Germany to hold off on banning Russian oil until after the midterm elections. The Democrats are so desperate to win amid their record-low popularity that they are openly asking other nations to alter major policies at the expense of the people. Biden has banned Russian energy […]

Socrates & the Ruble

QUESTION: Marty; I just wanted to comment that I am amazed that Socrates forecast the ruble through this mess showing a directional change in April leaving the March low intact. The ruble turned with your ECM target of March 14. Congrats. Your accomplishment is worth a Noble Prize for it actually works. Nobody had correctly […]

Market Talk – April 27, 2022

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 313.48 points or -1.17% to 26,386.63 Shanghai increased 71.86 points or 2.49% to 2,958.28 Hang Seng increased 11.65 points or 0.06% to 19,946.36 ASX 200 decreased 56.80 points or -0.78% to 7,261.20 Kospi decreased 29.25 points or -1.10% to 2,639.06 […]

Market Talk – April 26, 2022

ASIA: Finance sector professionals in Shanghai are preparing to move back to Hong Kong and other offshore centers after spending only a few years in the Chinese city as a harsh COVID-19 lockdown has hurt their business prospects and upended daily lives. Thousands of bankers, traders and investors in the financial hub of the world’s […]

Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. I am confused because you have stated many times that we are approaching the end of globalization, while at the same time saying the Great Reset, which is full globalization, is coming. Please explain. Thanks for your blog. JS ANSWER: Schwab’s Great Reset is the ATTEMPT to create a one-world government. Nonetheless, […]

Market Talk – April 25, 2022

ASIA: Stocks in Hong Kong slumped and those in mainland China tumbled by the most in more than two years as Covid-19 outbreak spread to Beijing with some areas in the capital coming under lockdown, heightening economic losses. The Hang Seng Index sank 3.7 percent to 19,869.34 at the close, its lowest level since March […]

Israel Added Yuan to Reserve Currency Portfolio

Israel has now moved to add the Chinese yuan to its reserve currency portfolio, which will create a natural hedge against the risk of insanity pushing for war by the United States and Europe. Adding the yuan to the reserve portfolio will automatically reduce the exposure to the dollar and especially to the euro, thereby […]

Macron Won – One Giant Step toward World War III

Of course, Macron won amid allegations of vote tampering. If a ballot was torn in any way, which seems to have been those of Le Pen, they were just discarded. There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that the EU would have allowed Le Pen to win for she would have upset the EU and gone against […]