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Europe v America

QUESTION: Why is Europe still in an economic crisis among its banks while the US banks are obviously beyond the crisis days of 2008-2009? Thank you for your insight. HT ANSWER: The bad loans in the states were really dumped into Freddie Mac, is a public government-sponsored enterprise created in 1970 to expand the secondary […]

The Theory of Inflation is Completely Wrong

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong Firstly, thank you for your insights and forecasting. I am not really in a position to properly capitalize on them, but all information is useful. The Labour government of New Zealand is conducting a taxation review. They have called for submissions and although I realize mine won’t make a jot of […]

Trump Lays the Seeds to World War III

  Konstantin Kosachev, the head of International Affairs for Russia’s Federal Assembly, publicly stated: “There can be only one political assessment: It is a blatant violation of international law and it is an attack on a sovereign state without proper grounds.” Strangely, he is correct. International Law under agreements in the United Nations does not justify an […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Has the ECB Been Manipulating the Euro?

There have been persistent rumblings behind the curtain that the ECB has been “frowning” on anyone taking short positions on the Euro. They have already outlawed shorting government bonds and they are trying to wrestle the market in the Euro from London to bring it within their power and control. Up until now, they have […]

World Trade – Who is Really Hurt in a Trade War?

The US share markets opened lower on Friday as renewed fears of a trade conflict between the United States and China continued to top the excuses for a correction. This even took the headlines surpassing the lower-than-expected March jobs data which they traditionally have focused on with respect to interest rate hikes. As always, there seems to […]

The Right to Privacy Means Nothing

QUESTION: Has the world lost sight of what is a Protection Priority?? Equifax CEO Richard Smith Resigns after Backlash Over Massive Data Breach Equifax that compromised the PERMANENT data (SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ) of 143 million Americans. AND IS REWARDED $18.4 million. (including a $7.6 million bonus.) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has to testify next week […]

Market Talk- April 4, 2018

The choppy conditions spread across all three sectors today with volatility from Australia to America. The only common theme today appeared to be volatility, resulting in the rejection of both large gains and losses! The ASX recovered from a very weak open, whilst the Shanghai index lost all gains to close down on the day. […]

Why Syria has ALWAYS been Strategic

Syria has always been strategic throughout recorded history. You had to pass through it between Babylon and Egypt. However, as world trade began to emerge, the connections between China and the ancient Roman Empire were fully developed through the Silk Road. Spices were always worth their weight in gold and even during the Middle Ages, […]

Market Talk- March 27th, 2018

  Unsurprisingly, the US mood swept into Asia assisting those markets that failed to react Monday. The Nikkei led the gains adding +2.65% onto yesterdays +0.7%. The Yen lost more of the fear rally bid, and we see it currently trading high 105’s with a big figure change looming yet again. As more constructive headlines […]