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Why Professional Politicians Are Dangerous

The United States was originally established with part-time politicians. Once they turned it into a full-time job, they get bored and write laws just to have something to do. Where Utah made it a crime to order a drink BEFORE you order dinner I suppose because some politicians must have gotten so drunk he forgot […]

Thailand – Tax the Tourist

Government just never learns  What happened to NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION? Thailand already taxes.tourists who must pay an Exit Tax of 500Baht that is included in the Airline ticket. Obviously, the $500 Billion Tourists spend in Thailand seems to be just not enough. They intend in 2014 to now introduce more taxes on tourists. Even […]

Russian Joke

Karl Marx and Adam Smith are on a boat. Karl Marx falls into the water. Who pushed him ? The invisible hand

Derivatives – The Real Story

QUESTION: Martin…have been wondering if you could comment, on your email blasts,something with regards to derivatives.  Who invented them?  When were they invented?  For what purpose were they brought into being?  Buffett has called them weapons of mass financial destruction, while folks like Lindsey Williams, have mentioned them as being part of the system that will […]

The Safe Harbors in a Economic Storm

The three main countries where capital has been hiding not for taxes, but for sheer safety are Switzerland, Singapore, and Dubai. Yes, the Arab Spring has turned up political unrest and uncertainty in the Middle East. Turmoil has hit Egypt, Libya, and Syria just to mention a few. Throughout the region people are looking for […]

DEBT CRISIS – It Just Keeps Going

Like the pink energizer Bunny, the DEBT CRISIS just keeps going. The solutions of the EU, IMF, and the USA, are simply brain-dead. They offer nothing to solve the problem and hope beyond dreams that some miracle will happen and it will all go away. Greece has apparently cheated on its current deficit messages to the […]

France’s Tax Policy – If it Moves Tax It!

France is now proposing that all emails and data leaving the EU should be taxed. This is their response to the NSA. Meanwhile, Europe has backed off and allows Google and Facebook to share all info with the NSA refusing to protect European citizens at least until 2015.

Thank You Snowden

We have to admit that Edward Snowden has exposed the most insane conduct that any government can possibly do – spy on everyone everywhere. Obama and Feinstein have been forced to concede that the NSA will stop monitoring friendly leaders of countries. That does not mean they will not monitor everyone else or stop vacuuming […]

Italy – Continued Political Chaos

Italy has plunged into the political incapacity for over the weekend Silvio Berlusconi,split his own party. Thus, the government Enrico Letta is actually left completely incapacitated for he does not even know who the opposition is any more. Unemployment among the youth in Italy is 40%+. The EU Commission will not even allow any democratic process to […]

Thank You Dodd Frank for Currency Controls

Thank you so much for your protection Dodd Frank – you are so thoughtful. As of October 28th, 2013, you cannot wire money out of the USA any more. God forbid, there may be some terrorist with a camel pretending to be your aunt Sadie who will intercept that wire and blow up some ladies […]