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Eliminating Democracy – The Seed from Which Revolution Grows

Be it Europe or the USA, the drive to eliminate democracy is underway. Politicians are doing their best to prevent the voice of the people to have any impact. This is what sets the stage for revolution. It goes hand in hand for when government tries to simply dictate to the people, eventually the whole […]

Give them Games & Free Food and Politicians Can Steal Everything

The French 75% tax on anyone making more than €1 million has resulted in the collapse of sports in France. The soccer players can earn far more money in any other country than they can in France. The people who typically own teams are millionaires who have nothing else to spend their money on. At the […]

Donating to Promoters & Bankers – The Wall Street Charity

QUESTION: Martin, you said in a recent blog: “Gold peaked with the low in the ECM in 2011 and it should rise after 2016 into 2020. This is a matter of the overall business cycle.” Have you now changed your major low in gold forecast from the original before or in Jan 2014 to now in […]

California – Impeach Feinstein or Please Secede From USA & Take Her With You

Either California gets rid of the insane Diane Feinstein who is about as American as Adolf Hitler who also introduced laws against the freedom of speech or PLEASE secede from the USA and take this crazy nut-job with you. Not only is Diane Fienstein perhaps the strongest supporter of the NSA and the destruction of […]

Clarification Euro

“The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178.” The Reversal is our system target for the maximum high. The “Technical” resistance is simply levels within the market where they exist. This is not a forecast. It is a MAP. In other […]

Euro Update

The Euro has been churning back and forth between the US Chaos and the European mess. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178. A year-end closing ABOVE 13490 will signal that we should see a high in January 2014. The major system […]

Maybe I Was Wrong – There Could Be Hope Afterall

Just when you think you cannot teach and old dog new tricks, they go and prove you wrong. Perhaps there is hope for politicians after all based on this video.

Dow Update

The US Share Market has a turning point in November so we could get a temporary high with a retest of support followed by a breakout to new highs thereafter again. The Jan/Feb period is showing already and the debt ceiling issue will come up once again. Our computer is starting to show a bit […]

Gold Questions:

QUESTION:  Martin, Thank you for clearing up all this gold propaganda about backwardation and comex workings that I keep hearing.  I do have one question that some gold bugs keep bringing up. I hear them talk about the DJIA to Gold ratio and how the ratio will go back towards 1 when the gold market […]

Hyperinflation Question

QUESTION: First, thank you for your insights on the economy and investing.  Your track record is amazing and I’ve come to rely on your views as an accurate lens of perspective towards our current and upcoming troubles. I have a basic question about the upcoming hyperinflation… If we experience a bout of hyperinflation similar to […]