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Gold & Perpetual Propaganda

QUESTION: Martin, why do you often talk out of both sides of your mouth about Gold?  You might say Gold can go to $12,000 per ounce, but it is headed to $600 first. Isn’t gold in permanent backwardation?  I believe the previous record for Gold backwardation was 3 days near major lows, but aren’t we […]

Privacy is Becoming a Crime – Why Intel Chips May Present a Whole New Risk

Intel Core vPro processors are being marketed as a great advancement in security to protect your identity and files. Then they include something really new that they are calling REMOTE REPAIR. This allows remote parties to access your entire computer and turn it on when it is turned off. They can configure, diagnose, isolate, and […]

India – All That Glitters is Not Gold

Over the past year and a half India’s finance minister, P. Chidambaram, has been fighting his country’s insatiable appetite for gold. on the theory that gold imports are creating a current account deficit and weakening the rupee. Consequently, Gold import duties have risen tenfold – from 1% at the start of 2012 to 10% today. The Excise Duties […]

EU Cutting off NSA from Financial Spying – The Real Game Changer

The NSA has had access to financial transactions in Europe and their abuse of power is being noticed everywhere. The EU has now voted to block the access of the NSA to financial records in Europe. Many people are now looking at Switzerland as a safe harbor not for money, but for data. They are […]

Saudi & Russia – The Corridors of Power

One of the things that the hard money crowd overlook is the dollar and oil. In fact, Russia and many other OPEC countries have often used oil as a political weapon. To a large extent, they became masters of the world behind the curtain. However, the USA began to wiggle free and is now possibly […]

NSA Out of Control

Germany says U.S. may have monitored Merkel’s phone calls. Merkel called Obama and has made it clear that the NSA is out of control. This far beyond terrorism and is in itself terrorism carried out by the NSA.

Secret Session Approves Urgent Spending in EU to Prevent Default

Anyone who thinks that the US debt is the only problem had better starting looking around the globe. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on October 21st has made a desperate plea for extra cash to keep the institution afloat warning that the EU Commission would be technically bankrupt “by mid-November.” While the opening the European […]

The Hunt for Whatever is not Nailed Down

QUESTION: “If the new reserve currency that will emerge will be electronic, and no gold standard is possible, why will governments confiscate gold? If the great deflation strikes after 2015.75 all assets can go down a lot in value, so is not good to hoard cash, common u$s bills at your home, or will cash […]

Bureaucratization of Government – Why Real Reform is so Necessary

We have a global problem with government in general. There is a dire lack of anyone with experience. Years ago when I would meet with politicians, I could engage in a serious conversation about the trends and the economy. But my observations over the years have been honestly the trend toward anyone with experience has […]

Socialist Demand to Outlaw All Speculation

The debate in Europe emerging is just unbelievable. The Socialists are trying to outlaw all speculation for in their mind it is speculation that is causing prices of commodities to rise. These attitudes against capitalism are just off the wall and this is what we need to fight against when everything turns down.