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Bureaucratization of Government – Why Real Reform is so Necessary

We have a global problem with government in general. There is a dire lack of anyone with experience. Years ago when I would meet with politicians, I could engage in a serious conversation about the trends and the economy. But my observations over the years have been honestly the trend toward anyone with experience has […]

Socialist Demand to Outlaw All Speculation

The debate in Europe emerging is just unbelievable. The Socialists are trying to outlaw all speculation for in their mind it is speculation that is causing prices of commodities to rise. These attitudes against capitalism are just off the wall and this is what we need to fight against when everything turns down.

Saudis & 911

QUESTION: Is there any truth to the theory that the Saudis were behind the whole 911 attack sanctioned by the USA? ANSWER: I am aware of that theory. The 911 event was a real attack. I believe WTC Building 7 and the Pentagon were clean-up operations to get rid of evidence perhaps at the SEC […]

Saudis-Syria & Reserve Status of the Dollar

QUESTION: Your insight into the Saudi’s supplying the chemical weapons and arms to the Syrian Rebels long before anyone even had a hint of that was astonishing. I recently met someone in London who worked at your City Office. He said even Margaret Thatcher would ask you what was really going on in Russia. He […]

What About Gold – Hoarding – & the Reserve Dollar Status

The Debt Ceiling Crisis has done far more damage than anyone suspects. It has drawn attention to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by highlighting the national debt and then the “Conservatives” are targeting the Republicans who voted to end the shutdown. While it may be admirable that someone is trying to address the debt crisis, shutting […]

They are Calling it a Collapse in Capitaism

The view of the American budget crisis from outside the USA is one that is blaming Wall Street and the banks and calling for the next crisis to be the final meltdown of Capitalism. This view is rising around the world. The fact that it is just pushed off into January with the funding ending […]

Growing Concern About the Federalization of Europe

The famous statue in Brussels to many is a symbol of the attitude of the politicians in Europe gathered in Brussels toward the rest of Europe and individuality. The local governments are becoming less and less important as the major decision process is coming from Brussels. The failed structure of the Euro has led to […]

Currency Controls At Chase

We have been given several letters from readers all saying the same thing addressed to different firms around the country and all are dated October 8th through October 10th. This is very strange to be cancelling all international wires and preventing cash withdrawals. Nothing has yet surfaced from any other bank but we have our […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstong Reflecting on your thought written “Solutions” is the QE process partially accomplishing the thought of eliminating Public Debt and just print money for Government services. Federal debt of $17 trillion, of which $11 trillion is held by foreign nations. The remaining $6 trillion can be eliminated with QEs. If there is incentive […]

Markets Are Always Right

The fundamentals are really worthless because you can always extract just the ones to support your current view to “talk your own book” as they say. The Dow Jones Industrials bottomed within the channel nicely on the daily level and the target was on point as well the first week of October – the 9th […]