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If This is Not DEFLATION – Nothing Is!

Now in the news there is discussion of a 10% seizure of ALL deposits in ALL of Europe to cover this failed experiment called the Euro. In the Greek newspaper HEMPHΣIA, they reported today on Sunday that the new deal to surface now that Merkel is in power will be the seizure of 10% of ALL deposits to go toward the Sovereign Debt […]

Capitulation by the Gold Bulls?

QUESTION: Why is it that the gold press now refuse to ever interview you? It really seems to show that what they say is totally untrustworthy when they refuse to interview anyone who disagrees with them. You are the only analyst who said gold would drop to $1,000 when it was at least $1,800. They […]

A Giant Waste of Time

Starbucks has entered the political arena with its “Come Together Petition” it MADE AVAILABLE FOR customers to sign in 10,000 stores and it took out full-page ads in major newspapers seeking. Leaders in Washington to actually lead by: Reopen our government to serve the people. Pay our debts on time to avoid another financial crisis. Pass […]

Defeating the Business Cycle – A Goal for Thousands of Years

Marxism in trying to defeat the Business Cycle is by no means something new. Sparta in Ancient Greece also sought to create a flat business cycle with a commune type state atmosphere. Gaius Gracchus (154–121 BC) introduced his Grain Laws to “sell a fixed monthly ration of grain at a low and unvarying price to any […]


The shaky global economy already is besieged by other threats, including the sudden drop in exports from China for September. We are headed into this debt vortex from which rational minds simply cannot prevail. We are plagued by old politicians too entrenched in the system to see that the road they are on leads to […]

Elections 2014 & 2016

QUESTION: “Will there be a swing far enough to the left to wake people up and blink in 2016? With the ECM turning in 2015 it seems like 2014 elections maybe to soon for awake up to reality but maybe by 2016 we can return to electing real representatives instead of politicians Bill.” ANSWER: If […]

Manipulations & Monetary Systems

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: You frequently discuss how markets cannot be manipulated, has not the Federal Reserve manipulated markets with Zero interest rates. As a follow-up to our exchange regarding valuations. I believe I understand your explanation the markets will increase for capital appreciation, but are you excluding that there could be price increases with extreme […]

Will the Republican Party divide in TWO?

QUESTION: No.1: “Today you wrote “Democrats Continue to Try to Destroy Republican Party”….. How does this end?  What is the sequence of events?   When do they come after the wealthy?  How do you protect your wealth? ”  QUESTION: No.2: “I understand the process, but do you ever think logic will prevail? Obama is the President […]

Democrats Continue to Try to Destroy Republican Party

The House Republicans offered to increase the debt limit and end the shutdown as part of a package that includes spending cuts. Obama will not negotiate and the hidden agenda on the Hill that the mainstream press will BY NO MEANS REPORT, is that the Democrats are counting on the shut down and want a default […]

Fed Employee Sues for Dismissal After Auditing Goldman Sachs

Carmen Segarra, a former senior bank examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Fed alleging she was fired after refusing to alter a critical examination of Goldman Sachs. She states that during a 7 month examination of Goldman’s legal and compliance divisions, she discovered that the bank […]