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Fed Employee Sues for Dismissal After Auditing Goldman Sachs

Carmen Segarra, a former senior bank examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the Fed alleging she was fired after refusing to alter a critical examination of Goldman Sachs. She states that during a 7 month examination of Goldman’s legal and compliance divisions, she discovered that the bank […]

US Debt Default & China – A Matter of Sovereignty

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sent a clear message to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday. Li told him that for “China the issue of the American debt ceiling [is of] great attention”. His statements were published on the government website. These remarks, as short as they are, demonstrate that the financial […]

Largest FX Hedge Fund Closing Down

FX Concepts was once the largest currency hedge fund in the world. It has now announced that it too is shutting down faced with poor performance and massive withdrawals of investment. They have announced that the asset levels have declined and are no longer viable to sustain a business. As the G20 gears up to […]

Commodity Hedge Funds Are Collapsing?

The commodity hedge funds are simply collapsing. This is one reason why you will also see the low in gold unfold. With all the ranting, screaming, claims of hyperinflation, threats of investigations, and prognostications that the dollar will end, not only has gold declined, but the appetite for investing in commodities in general. Clive Capital, […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong could you expand your analysis of this statement [STAGFLATION]. You indicate  that demand will decrease and cost will increase. Does this not all lead to lower or stagnant corporate earnings? Yet you expect higher asset prices including stocks. If equity ownership is a call on future earnings which are stagnant or declining […]

Secure Annuities for Employee (SAFE) Retirement Act of 2013

Orin Hatch introduces the Secure Annuities for Employee (SAFE) Retirement Act of 2013 where insurance companies will get to issue annuities with a fixed return while trading with other people’s money.

G20 Meeting to Raise Taxes

This is the deflationary aspect of what we face. These people want all information on everyone everywhere. There is a meeting of the G20 to now implement their data sharing to ensure there will be no account anywhere they do not know about. Smile – they are coming after you and your job.

Obamacare Another NSA Spying on Citizens

QUESTION: Is it true that Obamacare will collect all your personal health information and store that too like the NSA? Thank you; PG ANSWER: The Department of Health and Human Services will have access to all health information about citizens as part of the Obamacare act. The State of Maryland’s Health Connection, or its Obamacare marketplace, includes […]

Deflation + Inflation = Stagflation

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong, Deflation has been described as a peacetime phenomenon. You say we are in a period of deflation and yet the world seems to be at anything but peace. If your war model turns up in 2014, do you expect inflation? Thanks MB ANSWER: The traditional concepts of DEFLATION and INFLATION are […]

California Rejects Federal Law allowing Indefinite Imprisonment of Citizens

The rising trend toward abuse of the Federal Government is starting to spread. Governor Jerry Brown of California has stood up against the Federal Government enacting authority to indefinitely imprison citizens.