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Debt & The Dow

The US government has now moved into the second week of a shutdown with 810,000 federal employees furloughed without pay or 28% of their work force. Some believe there is no end in sight largely because the Democrats are trying to use this to destroy the Republicans and the Tea Party. For this reason, Congress […]

Watch Nigel Farage – Britain’s Greatest Leader Since Maggie Thatcher

In Britain, you cannot get any more brain-dead than the Tories. They are doing a spectacular job at destroying the nation you wonder if they were not in secret league with the left – what the hell – the more chaos the more than can claim vote for them for change. Here too, the clear […]

Sticking Your Finger in the Light Socket & Expecting Different Result – Pure Insanity

The definition of real insanity is sticking your finger in the same light socket over and over again, yet expecting a different result. This is what we do with each and every crisis. There is some investigation and political pronouncements, yet NOBODY ever asks has ANYONE ever tried this before and did it work? As […]


QUESTION: “Mr. Armstrong: I am surprised there has been no discussion about the  recent weather pattern and storms throughout the country.  Your prediction of severe storms in the fall based on May being the  coldest in recent history was right on.” Best Regards, R C ANSWER: We will be trying to incorporate another forecasting service […]

Is Anyone Really in Control?

QUESTION: Do you believe that the Club you have written about since your piece Behind the Curtain published several years ago is in control of markets rather than the popular conspiracy groups? ANSWER: Actually nobody is in control. If they were, we would not have these contractions since Long-Term Capital Management in 1998 where these […]

How Empires, Nations & City States Die – We seem to be right on Schedule

In Britain, there has been the private ongoing scandal how insurance companies sell annuities and have been cheating their clients who have counted on these products for their pensions. The entire pension crisis is going to be earth shattering to say the least and far more devastating than the mortgage crisis. Instead of investors and […]

Why Lawyers Must be Barred from Politics!

  My father was a lawyer. I studied law. When you do, you are not taught how to OBEY the law, but really how to GET AROUND IT without violating the “letter of the law”. The reason I am being hard on lawyers here is simple. They are trained in the law and assume if […]

Russia Nationalizing Pensions?

The crisis we face in Pension is indicative of the entire problem with Socialism – it just does not work. What is unfolding now is quite simple. Pensions present a very tempting source of funds for cash-strapped governments who desperately need to fill in holes in their overall budgets, Governments have borrowed every year with no […]

Washington’s Political Dysfunction

The Political Dysfunction in Washington that has raised the possibility of the once unthinkable: a default on US debt that could potentially trigger financial and economic mayhem as they are claiming, is reflecting the real issues where a new breed of people are refusing to go along with business as usual. So Political Dysfunction may be […]

Manipulations & Exceptions – One-Dimensional Thinking

QUESTION: Some analysts “expect that the u.s. treasury will keep interest rates low for many years. they quote japan`s so-called “lost decade” as a precendant and appear to expect that such artificial supression will in fact work ( obviously against what you consider “market forces”). which poses the question: does japan`s “lost decade” conform to the ECM […]