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India – Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg

Almost two years ago Warren Buffett called India the “dream market” and now the economic growth collapsed to a snail’s pace and the nation’s debt ratings are at risk of being cut to junk. Consequently, India has been obsessed with their current account deficit failing to grasp the idea that capital investment inflows result in outflows of […]

Gold Paper v Physical

COMMENT: “If the price of gold goes below $800, it will only be the comex paper price. At that price the demand for physical gold from Asia will be literally unlimited.” BM REPLY: The price of gold on COMEX is real no matter what people say for the physical price will still trade at that […]

JP Morgan Criminal Charges at Last?

Finally, the political pressure is building to bring some sort of criminal charge against a New York Bank. The Justice Department has been pursuing criminal charges against J.P. Morgan & Co regarding the sale of mortgage securities that the allegation is based on information from an inside person from the bank. The gist of this will […]

Here is the SOLUTION – Return to Selected Funding – PERMANENTLY

It was under Jimmy Carter in 1978 that the structure of government funding and reporting was changed. Previously, each agency had to apply every year for their budget. Then, to save time, Carter indexed them to CPI. When the CPI took off dramatically into 1980, the cost of government exploded. Now Republican leaders in the […]

Gold – The Problem We Face

Gold has tumbled sharply and the bearish decline still appears to be moving in full pace. The nonsense put out about gold as a hedge against inflation and the coming hyperinflation trapped a lot of people in the yellow metal. However, I have been warning that we face deflation not inflation and with the $2 […]

What Socialism Destroyed – Gov’t Shutdown

The U.S. government began to shut down for the first time in 17 years early Today, after a bitterly divided Congress over Obamacare defunding failed to reach any agreement as expected. What must be stated openly is that the “New Deal” of Roosevelt has actually destroyed the very fabric that formed society that nobody wants to […]

Understanding Contagion – Something Politicians Remain Clueless About

The crisis in Long-term Capital Management that began with Russian debt spread and hit every market with lightening speed. Even the dollar/yen fell from 147 to 103 in just days. Why? It is called contagion. Major investment is spread-out internationally. As a crisis unfolds for one region, it spreads by forcing liquidation of other markets […]

Today’s Closings

In the Dow Jones Industrials, the index would only yield a sell signal on a month-end closing below 13890. On the Cash S&P500 we are looking at 1340 for a sell signal. In Gold we need a month-end close above 1620 and a sell signal comes in below 1321. In Silver we need a closing […]

How Eminent is the Pension Crisis in USA?

QUESTION: How eminent is this? Should I exit my IRAs now? ANSWER: This is still in the planning stages. It will most likely become critical in the USA after 2015.75. Pay attention to our forecasts on the US share market, for there we still have the potential for a Phase Transition starting next year.

DEBT – PENSION CRISIS – Fuel Behind A Stock Rally

I cannot emphasize how serious a situation we are in on two fronts (1) Sovereign Debt Crisis and (2) Pension Crisis. These are really global problems that are going to explode in our faces. In Europe we have the Sovereign Debt Crisis has spilled over into the banking system since banks were required to have […]