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Market Talk – March 6, 2020

  ASIA: China’s economy could be contracting this year for the first time since the 70s, according to analysts, as the country grinds to a halt due to the coronavirus. The Caixin purchasing managers index dropped drastically to 26.5 from 51.6, the lowest level since 2005. The Reserve Bank of India has taken over one […]

Elizabeth Warren Pulls the Plug on Her Campaign

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has pulled the plug on her campaign, reducing the Democratic presidential contest to a two-man race. All my sources have been talking about removing the contenders so they could stop Bernie who they see and the anti-Christ of the Democratic Party. They stole the votes from him in California back in 2016 […]

Biden Becomes a Not So Moving Target

I previously reported that the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired, filed a suit against Biden’s improper use of power that cost him his job in Ukraine. Now, a Ukrainian court has ordered an investigation into whether Joe Biden violated any laws when he forced the March 2016 firing of the country’s chief prosecutor. […]

Market Talk – March 3, 2020

ASIA The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) has filed an intervention in the Indian Supreme Court on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and informed India’s Permanent Mission in Geneva about it, India’s Ministry of External Affairs said. This means that the global human rights body wants to be made a party in […]

Politics & the Bernie Effect

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Like everyone else that has let you know…thanks for the call before the drop! My question pertains to the possibility of the slingshot….as this drop so far has only reached just under 24,700 on the downside, how far down would we need to go to get everyone bearish enough to throw in […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2020

ASIA: India has reported three more cases of coronavirus taking the total number of people who have tested positive in the country to six. An Italian national was tested positive for coronavirus in the western Indian state of Rajasthan. The other two cases were detected in the national capital New Delhi and the other in […]

Politics & the Great Awakening

QUESTION: Marty; I understand you do not support either side in politics, but what happens if the Democrats split? KW ANSWER: The Republicans were opposed to Trump when he was elected. You had people like John McCain who refused to even allow him to speak at his funeral. Once upon a time, the Republicans and […]

The 2020 Election

What is very interesting is that Trump would even do such an advertisement. The Democrats have organized themselves into “The Resistance” to sabotage President Trump. This is really a major confrontation for Democracy is dead and indeed the press has lost all integrity and is no longer balanced. Many are confused. Why do the Democrats […]

Is the Hype on the Coronavirus a Political Conspiracy?

COMMENT: Marty; 29 million people have the flu this year in the USA. Nobody talks about that or how that will usually have a death rate of 2% (580,000). The elderly are always vulnerable to this every year. Nobody talks about that but the coronavirus with the same death rate gets all the attention when […]

Market Talk – February 27, 2020

  ASIA: The Indian government is planning a data protection bill that will require tech companies to tell users what data they are collecting and, in most cases, get consent from users to collect that data. It also imposes restrictions on what kind of data can be stored outside the country. The bill, currently making […]