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Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave, even though they never lived in the USA nor have they consumed anything for which they should contribute their “fair share”. Taxes are simply owed to government to […]

Do Political Systems Ever Work?

QUESTION: HI! I’ve Just recently become aware of your existence. Subsequently my knowledge beyond your blog and “the forecaster” is limited. Someone one said “democracy is the worst system imaginable – except from All the others” My question to you : have we ever in this world,  really had any of the known political systems, […]

Advice for the Fed

I understand that Larry Summers and the IMF, among others, are advising the Fed not to raise rates. They are expecting the Fed to sacrifice domestic policy objectives for international objectives where so many have borrowed in dollars to save interest. This is the real clash between domestic vs. international and the consequence of the […]

Global Warming/Climate Change Guide for Dummies

  QUESTION: Martin, Can you go into more detail about the time frame for global cooling, and its ramifications, what to do to prepare oneself etc… Obviously this is going to affect everyone, everywhere. craig ANSWER: According to our models, this downturn should be greater than the last one in the 1700s. Volatility rises, so the swings […]

Sea Ice Has Expanded Hundreds of Miles — Welcome Global Cooling!

We had the third perfect summer here in New Jersey. The temperature never really went above 95° F with no humidity. The last three years have been perfect as humidity used to be brutal, although not as bad as places like Tokyo. The sun energy output is dropping rapidly and we are heading into a colder […]

Answering Questions for the Press

 Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day. What’s going to happen in the following months? A: 2015.75 (September 30/October 1), is the BEGINNING of an economic trend rather than the end. It also happens to be the […]

Thinking & Understanding the Right Track

QUESTION: Martin, After many years of reading your work I thank you for improving my knowledge of all kinds. From reading your work I conclude the pi cycle has to exist, it is the anchor point of the other cycles as well as their composite. The destructive power it seems to usher in is what […]

Why Money Need Not Be “Tangible”

COMMENT:  You said: “The wealth of a nation is the total productivity of its people. If I have gold and want you to fix my house, I give you the gold for your labor. Thus, your wealth is your labor, and the gold is merely a medium of exchange. So it does not matter whatever […]

A Question of Money — Interest & Bankers

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, interesting article today, the story of the store of value (at least long term) has always confused me. One can look at saving accounts also as an asset as it yields the interest payment and one relinquishes the access to the money. No difference to bonds. But your article causes some questions: […]

Money: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?

Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually is. If you do not grasp what the true function which money actually provides within the economy, then you will be unable to get anything else right […]