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Market Talk – October 19, 2021

ASIA: India and Israel agreed to resume talks on a free trade agreement from November, with the aim of signing a deal by mid-2022, both countries said on Monday. Ties between the two countries have grown closer in the seven years since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been in power. Several strategic military and […]

The Real Con

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Been reading you for a very long time. You are very insightful. One thing I have to admit is that the Powers That Be (WEF, etc.) did not keep it in the dark of what they were planning. Definitely out there for anyone to find and read. But if you did find it […]

Market Talk – September 27, 2021

ASIA: China will likely fail in its bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, but its move to submit an application highlighted the lack of US economic policy in Asia-Pacific. CPTPP is an 11-nation mega-trade pact formed in 2018 after Donald Trump pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership a year earlier. […]

The Fourth Industrial Revolution & Forecasting

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the WEC last year for the first time. Everything you laid out came true. You were saying the Euro would peak by February and we were looking at a dark period into September to October. What I am amazed at is that your computer gets the timing correct and […]

Market Talk – September 21, 2021

ASIA: Crisis-hit Chinese property developer Evergrande used billions of dollars raised by selling wealth management products to retail investors to plug funding gaps and even to pay back other wealth management investors, executives of the company said in a statement. Evergrande financial advisers marketed the products widely, including to homeowners in its apartment blocks, while […]

Schwab & How One Man Can Be So Powerful

QUESTION: Hello, all the world’s leading figures are part of the WEF. But how is it possible that one man was able to brainwash everyone? It seems incredible!!! MG ANSWER: When Nigel Farage spoke at our 2019 Rome World Economic Conference, he said he came because we were the “alternative to Davos.” For years I […]

Gates & Our Dark Future

  For months, I have been getting info from behind the curtain where there are still people who are against this entire agenda. I refrained from publishing most of what I heard not that it was wrong, but it was so far-fetched it certainly seemed like a conspiracy theory. This push using COVID for a […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2021

ASIA: President Xi Jinping of China is considering raising taxes on wealthy citizens to create a “common prosperity.” In a Tuesday meeting, the president urged for a “reasonable adjustment of excessive incomes and encouraging high income groups and businesses to return more to society.” However, exact tax figures or plans were not revealed. The top […]

The Threat of an Ice Age is Real

Most people have NEVER heard of the Beaufort Gyre, a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean that actually has far more influence over sea ice than anything we can throw into the atmosphere. The Beaufort Gyre has been regulating climate and sea ice formation for millennia. Recently, however, something has changed; it is not […]

The Big Capital Shift – Economic Future of Uncertainty

Capital is flowing like never before. While governments are talking Great Reset and the IMF is pushing for abandoning paper money moving to a cryptocurrency in hopes that the next stage will be for the IMF version to replace the dollar as the reserve currency, the smart money is on the move. Everything from housing […]