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When Timing is Everything – The Failed Graf Zeppelin Venture

Timing is everything. When an economy turns, big projects that looked like they were going to be winners suddenly lose big time. That was the case when a world tour had been planned for the world’s biggest airship, the Graf Zeppelin, in 1930 just months after the 1929 Crash. In May 1930, the Graf Zeppelin […]

Market Talk- March 12, 2018

Having seen a record set for the NASDAQ and strong recovery in other core US markets, Asia opened the week on a positive note. The Hang Seng set the pace with an impressive +1.95% return with good performances from across the plain. We saw Energy, construction, banks and autos all helping to inspire confidence in […]

Canada Covering Up Global Warming Nuts Destroying the Water Supply

COMMENT:  When Government turns on its own citizens. Good day, Martin; This climate change movement here in Ontario, Canada has gone too far. Construction of windmills in a small farming area has contaminated 16 residential water wells with that destroyed the pumps and piping that feed water to farms rendering property values to almost nothing. Driving […]

Climate Change – Catastrophic or Linear Slow Progression?

Indeed, science was turned on its head after a discovery in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia, of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros, which was followed by the more famous discovery of a frozen mammoth in 1787. You may be shocked, but these discoveries of frozen animals with grass still in their stomachs set in motion these […]

Foreign Investment into Canada Has Collapsed by 26% in 2017

Foreign direct investment into Canada has absolutely plunged during 2017 to the lowest since 2010. There has been an effort to stop the sale of any property to foreign investors mainly from China. On top of that, there has been also a collapse in capital investment into the oil industry. There are fears also rising […]

Trump to Impose Tariffs

Trump is implementing tariffs against any country that imposes a tariff of American products. This is a tit-for-tat and will be of a like amount. For years, many countries have imposed tariffs on US products when there has been no tariff on their products. The criticism against Trump at Davos was he should put the world economy first […]

Market Talk- March 1, 2018

China appeared as the only bright spot in Asian markets this morning with Shanghai closing up +0.45% and the Hang Seng marginally better at +0.65%. Both indices toyed between both sides until the final hour then recovered at the close. Much of todays talk centred around the deleveraging that President Xi appears to be pushing […]

Gold Factual Sophistry – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs are saying that China, Russia, India are “rogue” rising economic powers that are rogue nations. They cite David Stockman who preaches the U.S. economy is in deep trouble thanks to its “massive indebtedness” and they seem to ignore what you have pointed out that the USA is in the best shape. They also cite […]

Socrates Update World Share Market Indexes

These are the World Stock Indexes Available in the Basic Level AEX (Dutch) Index Cash AEX All Share (Netherlands) All Ordinaries (Australian) Index Cash Athens Stock Exchange General Index (Greece) Cash Austrian Traded Index Cash BEL20 (Belgium) Index Cash Bist National 100 (Turkey) Botswana Stock Exchange DMS Companies Index (Botswana) Bulgaria Stock Exchange Sofix (Bulgaria) CAC-40 (France) […]

California Counties Suing Exxon Commit Securities Fraud?

The Global Warming Conspiracy is desperately trying to destroy the world and end modern society as we know it. Of course, it is California countries who have argued in court bringing a lawsuit against Exxon and others claiming that by 2050, their towns will be destroyed and under water because of the fossil fuels. Exxon has […]