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They Are Officially Eyeing up Pensions

I have been warning that my sources on Capital Hill have been pointing to the next great take-over that is coming – the $19.4 trillion in pension funds. This is now starting to hit the mainstream press. This will be the way to regain national security by buying back foreign holders of US debt. Additionally, […]

Update on Computer Modeling

We are getting closer to bringing on-line the full model where clients will actually be able to ask the computer questions. This is the REAL model that taught me how the world really functioned. Many have asked if I personally can really be replaced. That is my goal and new modeling has been underway for […]

US – Italy – China

Of course, the USA stock futures and the dollar came under some pressure as the shutdown of the government appears more likely. Everyone knows this is just drama and posturing as if the USA would actually default. But hey, it is good for moving markets as the talking head talk to themselves so much, they […]

Gold Lending Could Stop in London

Many of the Goldbugs will be happy to hear that the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) says it might start charging member banks more or even dissolving the Gold Forward Offered Rates (GOFO) – the rate at which dealers will lend gold against US dollars – due to new financial market regulations. The push for regulation stems […]

Greece The Rise of Nationalism – To Be Expected

History repeats because the passions of mankind never change. Hitler was able to seize power following the 1918 Communist Revolution in Germany that set the stage for economic disaster. Destroy the economy from foreign sources, and you will get the same reaction. This is why it was so vital to go after the NY bankers […]

Bureaucrats Destroying the World – The Expat Experience

COMMENT:  The diminishing (non-existent ?) possibilities for Americans to invest outside the US is not just in Europe.  I don’t live in the US but have a US passport and after a recent sale of a property, I was looking into diversifying the proceeds with investments in different countries around the world.  I was turned […]

The German Press Acknowledges The Federalization & Death of Democracy in Europe

Now the German press is starting to wake up for the headlines call it “The slow death of democracy in Europe”.  The Greens are losing ground everywhere as economics displaces environmental issues. In Germany, the SPD was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self while the Greens were reduced and the FDP crashed […]

The Republicans are now Terrorists

Senior Obama Adviser Dan Pfeiffer now compares House Republicans To Terrorists, Kidnappers, and Arsonists. You better not get in an argument with anyone, that seems to be classified as and act of terrorism.

The Man who may have Saved the World – Survival-of-the-Fittest v Civilization

The man who may have saved the world is Stanislav Petrov who was one of those bureaucrats who received a report that the US had launched nuclear missiles on a first strike to Russia. Normally, he should have reported the attack to his superiors but did not perhaps on a gut feeling it was a computer […]

Bureaucrats Destroying the World

Bureaucrats are the ones really behind the scenes that control the economic events. The idea that we actually have a democracy is truly just propaganda. A democracy is where you vote on each issue. Many states have such things in place at least partially as various propositions are submitted to the people in California. We […]