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QUESTION: “You have said in your blog that stocks and real estate (tangibles) are the place to be but you also mention deflation. … Can we really have inflating asset prices and deflation at the same time — or are you saying the deflation comes down the road,after 2015.75 (when we will pray for hyperinflation)? ANSWER: We are […]

European Political Mindset Remains the Same Since WWII

José Manuel Durão Barroso is a Portuguese politician and Member of the EPP . Since the end of November 2004 Barroso became President of the European Commission. On September 16, 2009 he was elected by the European Parliament for a second term of five years. He is indicative of why politicians should not be allowed […]

The Intent of the Law Means Nothing

  Unfortunately, we are as far away from a Democracy today with little difference from a dictatorship. Congress passes a law for a specific reason. However, judges get to say what they “think” that law means and prosecutors get to stretch it to fit anything they desire. Once a law is enacted, everything they can […]

NSA Has Undermined the World Economy

Snowden deserves the Medal of Honor because the NSA in their greed to be able to hack everyone, has undermined the entire economy globally. They created intentional weak links in security software that they could break and placed at risk the entire world economy because they were too stupid to realize that leaving back-doors open […]

deja vu – Austria All Over Again

The bank that failed and began a run that resulted in the collapse of Europe debt markets back in the Great Depression was Credit Anstalt in 1931. The Rothschilds were part owners so the news was quite devastating. Here we are again with the Austrian banks in trouble and the next crisis to emerge may […]

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

As people are arguing that there is a 40% chance of a government shut down and a default on US debt, the House Republicans are circulating proposals to kickstart tax reform, permit the Keystone XL pipeline and trim a number of federal regulations in exchange for a borrowing boost for one year. The deadline in […]

An Australian Senator Comments on Socialism

COMMENT FROM AN AUSTRALIAN SENATOR Mr Armstrong, I have been following your work for many years (back through the PEI days) when I was working in the …… I am now an Australian Senator and having seen the inside story of politics, legislative development and the dominant characteristic of ‘self-preservation’ exhibited by elected and unelected […]

Now it’s the Debt Ceiling

Now the focus will be the US debt issue going into early October. The dollar fell and world shares held near a one-week low as concerns over a potential government shutdown in Washington rises and mixed signals on U.S. monetary policy keeps the pundits and investors guessing. The key week will be next week in […]

LIBOR Scandal is Criminal not Mortgage Scandal

The US DoJ is expected to file criminal charges against the employees/individuals in the Libor affair – not the 2007 Mortgage scandal that did seriously impact the world economy and sent the national debts of most countries soaring for new heights.

There is No Going Back – NSA is here to Endure

The NSA has become the American Stasi equivalent to the Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS). The NSA is very much the modern Staatssicherheit, literally collecting data from all of the cloud providers such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Yahoo, etc. The NSA is now involved in partnerships with all the major telcos […]