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China Shifting from Public to Private US Investment

China continues to shift from Public to Private debt investment. In July, they were buying mortgage-backed securities while selling US government debt. They are moving away from the Public and into the Private debt markets. China understands cycles – the West does not.

Banks to Link All Data on Everyone Worldwide into One Database

Governments require banks to collect, store and analyze customer data for tax purposes. Now the HSBC want to link the data from all customers worldwide. They claim this allows access to the bank accounts of customers faster and more efficient in case of emergency – as in the case of a banking crash. And the side […]

Netherlands Falling into Sovereign Debt Crisis

Netherlands is slipping down the Sovereign Debt Crisis as austerity measures failed. Netherlands will miss the EU’s deficit target, says a report by the State Economic Institute CPB. Prime Minister Mark Rutte is considered strong advocate stricter EU budgetary rules, but he fails because the entire idea of how to run a government used by modern […]

Finland Debt Ratio Blowing Out

Finland is the latest country to illustrate that the Sovereign Debt Crisis is alive and well. The economy in Finland is in recession as is most of the Eurozone. For the first time, 2014, Finland will not meet the Maastricht guidelines as its debt ratio will exceed 60%. Their own accounting projects in 2014 the […]


    Our Jeweler is making up these 3rd century coins for Xmas. We will have less than 100 available so they are on a first come first serve basis.

More on the Plot to Seize Russia by Safra

The stories that Putin is the richest man in the world are nonsense emerging from Stanislav Belkovsky who is a former computer programmer turned political consultant. Belkovsky was hired by Boris Berezovsky who once admitted to hiring to him to raise Russian nationalist forces against Putin to further the Safra attempted takeover of Russia. The project […]

Taxes & Unions

Labor unions have been Marxist by design. Anything that attempts to flat-line the economy will fail. It is a business cycle that is at the very least impacted by human nature. Australians are now losing jobs to New Zealand because costs are 30% less. This is simply the nature of capital flows – International Competitiveness. […]

Is the Euro Dying?

After election day, Angela Merkel plans a significant change as she will lack a majority of Germans really behind her and she has always changed direction with the political wind. According to the polls, the majority of Germans have had enough of Brussels. We will see a shift in trend whereby there will be a resurgence […]

Who is Buying US Bonds?

There is only one country that has bought massive long-term U.S. bonds in July and that was Japan. They bought the incredible amount of long-term bonds totaling $52 billion. Most other foreign governments have reduced their holdings of long-term U.S. bonds by $62.5 billion over the same period with Russia dumping $6 billion in July. This […]

JP Morgan to Pay $800 million fine

J.P. Morgan will pay a record fine with cheap central bank money in connection with the scandal of the “London Whale” J.P. Morgan must pay at least $ 800 million penalty. The largest bank in the United States has acknowledged errors in internal control. The proprietary trading never ends. They are not a bank – […]