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Gold & New Currency

QUESTION:  Martin, On September 18th you wrote “That is until it is time for a new monetary system after all of these jokers are done trying to grab power.” What do you think the new monetary system will be based on. Many people claim that Russia and China will force the balance of international trade […]

The Truth Behind The Fed & the Curtain

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong- You seem to hint that Bernanke didn’t want rates to go up especially when there is a ceiling impasse. Yet, he talked about taper/untaper and torchured the market for 3 months to prepare investors for a smooth QE-reduction. Most investors I know were expecting a small taper that could have still been interpreted as […]

Gold – The Next Leg

QUESTION: Been reading your writings for over twenty years, enjoying everything. Quick question, in regards to 2015.75 and the time frame for unrest, economic implosion and capital flow directional changes. Is this the time frame that gold will once again embark on a new up leg which will conclude in the famous and typical blow off phase ? Also, do you foresee a reset with a […]

The Buying in of Long-Term to save banks 2007-2010, Has Now Placed a Time Bomb at the Door

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew made the following statement during remarks today before the Economic Club of Washington D.C.: “[W]e are relying on investors from all over the world to continue to hold U.S. bonds.  Every Thursday, we roll-over approximately $100 billion in U.S. bills.  If U.S. bond holders decided that they wanted to be repaid […]

Fed is Trapped – They Have Injected Tremendous Volatility Into the System

The Fed said that it would continue buying bonds at an $85 billion monthly pace for now, expressing concerns that a sharp rise in borrowing costs in recent months could weigh on the economy. What the Fed is really saying is that behind-the-curtain everyone is screaming that interest rates will rise and that will blow […]

Spain Will No Longer Index Pensions to Inflation

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy The collapse of Socialism is unfolding before everyone’s eyes – they just ignore it. In the states they manipulate the CPI to render inflation irrelevant and impossible. In Spain, they now will stop indexing pensions altogether because they cannot create a fake CPI as the US does. There will no longer […]

Merkel handing Banking Supervision to Brussels

German papers are reporting a secret deal of Merkel’s. The Federal Chancellery experts working on the revision of banking supervision have leaked that Angela Merkel will give up her resistance to the takeover of the banking supervision by the EU after the election. The international banks are to be therefore controlled by Brussels. Germany will control only the […]

China Shifting from Public to Private US Investment

China continues to shift from Public to Private debt investment. In July, they were buying mortgage-backed securities while selling US government debt. They are moving away from the Public and into the Private debt markets. China understands cycles – the West does not.

Banks to Link All Data on Everyone Worldwide into One Database

Governments require banks to collect, store and analyze customer data for tax purposes. Now the HSBC want to link the data from all customers worldwide. They claim this allows access to the bank accounts of customers faster and more efficient in case of emergency – as in the case of a banking crash. And the side […]

Netherlands Falling into Sovereign Debt Crisis

Netherlands is slipping down the Sovereign Debt Crisis as austerity measures failed. Netherlands will miss the EU’s deficit target, says a report by the State Economic Institute CPB. Prime Minister Mark Rutte is considered strong advocate stricter EU budgetary rules, but he fails because the entire idea of how to run a government used by modern […]