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Housing Market – This Time it is Different

Housing prices have surged at rates not seen since the lead-up to the 2008 financial crisis, according to global data. This has led to questions of whether the housing market is in a bubble that could burst. However, there is one thing that is very clear. This is an entirely different run-up than the 2007-2009 […]

Fascinating Spread of Religious Ideas

This is one of the coins found in Pompeii. It is not officially Roman, but privately minted and used for small change partly due to a shortage of copper quadrans. Yet, even more fascinating is that there were private coins in circulation in 79 AD. They represented the deity Bes. Bes was an Ancient Egyptian […]

The Plot of the Demigods

QUESTION: Marty, Did you ever think when you studied history, created Socrates, then observed what would unfold in the future would lead you to what we see happening today, in social collapse and the march toward authoritarianism? Truly, wasn’t this like discovering the Rosetta Stone and other mysteries best left untouched? When did it dawn on […]

Biden Going Door-to-Door To Push Gates’ Vaccines

I really have to wonder what is truly going on behind these vaccinations. The death toll keeps rising because there is no verification whatsoever with these vaccines. A 13-year-old boy died in his sleep after being vaccinated. With any medicine, they tell you do not take this if you are taking something else. None of […]

New Release: “Manipulating the World Economy”

The latest book by Martin A. Armstrong is now available for purchase.

Corruption Behind COVID

COMMENT: Hello Martin When are these bastards going to get their day? I have friends neighbours that have taken the vaccine and all of a sudden they are feeling bad. high blood pressure, low haemoglobin levels, dizziness, headaches extreme menstrual bleeding. They still do not mention that it may be the vaccine. In fact I […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2021

ASIA: The Bank of Japan is expected to maintain its massive stimulus and may extend a deadline for its pandemic-relief program on Friday, in a sign that a fragile economy and tepid inflation will keep any exit from its ultra-easy policy a long way off. The decision would come in the wake of hawkish signals […]

Human Nature Cycle

QUESTION: Good Morning, If we take the statement “History repeats because human nature never changes” it would suggest that the human nature cycle will never reverse. That in itself does not track. If everything is like a pendulum, shouldn’t it swing back around to where human nature can and will change? And a lesser 2nd […]

Been There, Done That

QUESTION: Are you familiar with that studies of pundits have shown that their forecasts are no better than chance. You seem to be in the category of what those studies at Penn University by Philip Tetlock called “superforecasters”. Would you care to comment on how you are right so often when others never are? UT […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2021

ASIA: China accused the United States of “suppressing” Chinese firms and issued veiled threats of retaliation on Friday after President Joe Biden expanded a blacklist of companies Americans are barred from investing in. Biden on Thursday widened a list to 59 Chinese companies that are off-limits to American investors over their links to Beijing’s “military-industrial […]