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New Markets Added to Entry Level of Socrates

We have added the following market to the Socrates general public service level. AEX All Share (Netherlands) FTSE 250 (United Kingdom) FTSE All Share (United Kingdom) FTSE All World $ (Global) Hang Seng China Affiliated Corporation (Hong Kong) Hang Seng China Enterprises (Hong Kong) Tel Aviv 125 (Israel) Jamaica Stock Exchange Main Index (Jamaica) KOSPI […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

The Evolution of Growing Food

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You previously mentioned that we can grow crops inside warehouses without the sun or soil. How did mankind survive the last mini Ice Age with dropping temperatures as we have seen in recent winters here in Europe? LW ANSWER: With each cycle, we tend to improve upon technology. Being able to grow […]

Mueller’s Tyrannical Indictment = the Very Reason We had a Revolution

The Grand Jury was supposed to protect citizens from political prosecutions determining only “probable cause” if the government presents their skewed side to claim a crime might have been made, but it has been completely undermined and serves nothing close to its constitutional purpose. The Grand Jury is just a political tool for they get […]

Global Warming Conspriacy

  There is a major Global Warming Conspiracy that is threatening our entire way of life and is out to destroy the global economy. These sick and evil people are trying to launch lawsuits to put the oil industry out of business. They have absolutely no alternative to how the economy would function and they are […]

Market Talk- February 15, 2018

Most of the talk in Asia centred around the strength of the Yen as it rose to a 15 month high. This hurt exporters but the effects on the Nikkei was negligible as the index rose 1.5% on the day. Unfortunately, the economic data release failed to support the market euphoria as we saw December […]

Merkel & Schulz Under Tremendous Pressure in Germany

The politics in Germany remain in turmoil. The CDU leader Angela Merkel is being attacked from within her own party. The dissatisfaction concerning Merkel has engulfed the CDU base. It has reached at times outright seething rejection of Merkel. The future of the Union really hangs in the balance. The CDU party congress takes place on February 26, and […]

Market Talk- February 12, 2018

It’s always a difficult trading environment when one large market is closed (Japan Monday), but following last weeks volatility we have seen a quiet bounce-back in quieter conditions. That bounce-back has been more visible in US futures than Asian cash even with the Shanghai closing +0.8% firmer today. The KOPSI (+0.9%) and SENSEX also enjoyed […]

Market Talk- February 9, 2018

Another weak session for Asia, but following the US close that was never going to be a surprise! All core traded heavy throughpout the day but China’s Shanghai index lost most reflecting a 4.05% decline. Financials, insurers and real-estate were pretty much to blame, but we can not rule out todays data release. Although the […]

Market Talk- February 8, 2018

  Shanghai was the only one to underperform the core with a 1.4% decline and a weaker currency market. The Trade numbers missed expectations and that was probably the key reason why the Yuan took the hit. Closing down over 1% (at 6.286) was its weakest move in over two years. The balance of Asian […]