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Help Kickstart World War III – Do Your Part – Donate Now

Obama needs your help. Support him now to help bring World War III. Think of all the jobs that can be created to rebuild after he blows everything up. Truly this Obama War will be the one to end all wars for real – or at least most of humanity.

Al-Qaeda Troops in Jail Talk

Recruited by Al-Qaeda: Foreign fighters in a Damascus jail tell their stories but US media will not report the truth. We are living in a world not much different than when the communists controlled Pravda in Russia.  

Nigel Farage – His Latest on Syria

Nigel Farage in Brussels – Shame we do not have more voices of reason. We seem to be headed down a black hole from which humanity will one day point the finger and say that’s who started this.

Return of the Crusades – 2024.8

The religious strife that is rising among these extremists is spreading. In Egypt, Coptic Christians in Dalga have been forced to pay a “submission” tax to the Islamists that have ruled their city since early July. This new tax is being forced upon any non-Muslim who refuses to convert to Islam. We are headed into pure […]

Congressman Alan Grayson confirms Obama Has NOT provided Congress with proof of anything

Exclusive: Interview with Congressman Alan Grayson on Syria This is a very good interview confirming Obama is not giving Congress the real story.

SEC Wants A Kill Switch for Exchanges.

Mary Jo White want a kill switch to shut down the stock markets reported Reuters.

Putin pens NYT op-ed urging ‘caution’ in Syria – Very Informative

Of course the American commentators are hurling nothing but insults at Putin for his Op-Ed in the New York Times. They dare to say with chemical weapons being used in Syria, he has no moral standing. Putin rightly points out that there is a serious casualty here and that will be the United Nations. “No […]

German Elections

Germany’s parliamentary elections  will be held on 22 September 2013 to determine the 598 (or more, if overhangs are produced) members of the 18th Bundestag, the main federal legislative house of Germany. The elections may by no means bring the expected calm and stability to Europe. Indeed, the elections may well usher in a period of […]

Banks Warning if they Do not Trade with Other People’s Money Liquidity will Decline When Needed

The Bankers have the Fed investigating the regulations in a very clever bid to trade wildly once again your and other people’s money. They are claiming that in the bond markets “Regulations have created multiple constraints likely to curtail liquidity when it is really needed.” This is the statement made by the ill-fated Treasury Borrowing Advisory […]

US Seizing Russian Assets in NYC

The US prosecutors filed a civil complaint and are looking to seize luxury apartments and other property they allege Russian companies used to launder proceeds from a $230 million tax fraud in Russia. The alleged scheme was uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, the lawyer who died in a Russian prison. The complaint alleges the organization stole corporate identities […]