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Swiss move to End Bank Proprietary Trading

While Goldman Sachs is trying to launch TV ads championing their efforts to fund companies, they still cling to their proprietary trading. Now in Switzerland both the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) and the left-wing are mounting a new efforts to end proprietary trading in UBS and Credit Swiss by breaking up the banks. The Lower-house lawmakers […]

War Bullish or Bearish?

Many people are talking about a stock market crash when Obama invades Syria. When we look at that historically, war does not create a major decline in stocks. Here is a chart of the Dow for the Gulf War in 1991. The market rallied after Congress authorized force. The idea that people will dump stocks […]

Confiscation of Pensions – How Syria is Setting the Stage.

The US is dependent upon selling debt to someone. This Sovereign Debt Crisis has made the US vulnerable for it really cannot act unilaterally in international affairs as Obama is attempting. The USA is dependent upon selling its debt with about 40% being held internationally. Obama’s policies come at tremendous cost to the economy long-term. […]

Agencies Never Obey the “LAW”

QUESTION: Agents are simply free to interpret law as they desire? They can seize even gold in a safe deposit box? ANSWER: Sorry to say – YES! (see Lack of Rule of Law Destroys Business). They are not doing it yet – but they are laying the ground work for that. It is unlikely that […]

Are They Going After Safe Deposit Boxes?

QUESTION: Is it now illegal to store cash and gold in a safety deposit box? ANSWER: They have not yet enacted an actual law prohibiting the storage of “money” in a safe deposit box. The problem is surfacing because of “interpretation” of laws with broad scopes. If you have $5,000 in cash in your pocket, […]

Vatican holds 5 Hour Vigual for Peace in Syria – Obama & Kerry Are Not Religious Men So Big Deal

On Saturday, Pope Francis urged world leaders to stop a “spiral of sorrow and death” in Syria. He held a special five-hour prayer service that was attended by 100,000 people in Rome. Even Italian Muslims joined the Pope in his vigual for peace. There has never been such a mass of anti-Americanism perhaps in history. This […]

We will Hold A November Conference in Princeton New Jersey

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong… So it’s obviously unsettling to learn about all that is going on with the government, NSA, banks, etc. My question: What can the average person DO about it? Do you have a game plan?   1) Where should we do our banking? Are Credit Unions safe?   2)  Is it better […]

Companies Dropping Healthcare for Retired Employees and others Begin laying-off those about to retire.

International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) is moving about 110,000 retirees off its company-sponsored health plan, They will be given a payment to buy coverage on a health-insurance exchange. The medical profession has out-priced itself and the contraction will become obvious starting in 2016. Other companies are laying-off employees 2 to 3 years before reaching retirement. […]

Australia Throws Out the Labor Government – It’s Taxes Stupid

The Labor Party in Australian goes down with a real thump. Politicians have to wake up. This entire Marxist-Socialism agenda is collapsing the same as Marxist-Communism did in China and Russia. The main election issues in Australia were:  the economy,  reducing the number of asylum seekers arriving by boat (immigration),  taxes on carbon emissions The […]

NSA is Destroying US Technology Industry – This will only cause less capital investment

Google is now in a state of panic with the latest revelation about the encryption invasion by the NSA. Google has torrents of information that flow among its data centers around the world. They are now rushing to thwart snooping by the NSA and others the company stated on Friday. The move illustrates the seriousness […]