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Beware November 13 & 14

The US government intends to keep up the pressure to support the NSA. To keep kids sacred during the 1950s, they had drills as if this would have done anything in a nuke attack. Then there was the directive that every one should be a shelter in their basement. Wonder whose brother-in-law profited off of […]

NSA Routinely Violated Court Orders

Reuters has reported that the NSA violated court orders routinely between 2006 and 2009. Out of 17,835 phone searches, only 2,000 met the legal authorization. Those that assume they will not violate your rights – yeah – good luck. This impacts American national security destroying our way of life far more than Syria. If you […]

Obama Supporting Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is a major player in the Syrian Rebels. The Obama administration is so determined to have the U.S. military help al-Qaeda win the civil war in Syria to open the pipeline to end the Russian monopoly on gas to Europe.  That is the key to this mess while the slaughter by the Rebels of […]

ECB Warns Greece May Need Two More Bail-Outs

Greece is in trouble because the entire global monetary system is turning to dust and will soon fall to the ground. You cannot borrow forever with no intention of paying anyone back. Greece will still need even more help possibly twice according to the ECB (European Central Bank):. Greece will need about €10-11 billion euros and […]

Kerry – First Casualty of War

Secretary of State John Kerry was winging it when a journalist asked was there anything that could be done to prevent the attack. He replied that Assad could turn over all his weapons. Russia and others jumped on that. Kerry had followed that statement saying of course Assad would never do that. In truth, that […]

Forbes – What Happens When You Can’t Believe A Thing The President Says?

  Forbes Magazine has published a piece: What Happens When You Can’t Believe A Thing The President Says? It is a good close examination of politics as is. We have to come to grips with all the lies that both sides spit out. Nothing is just ever what it seems. Only a fool will believe […]

Obama Should Return Nobel Peace Prize

Obama will be the ONLY person in history to accept the Nobel Peace Prize and then go start a war. This is over the pipeline – nothing more. This is why Russia has warned it will defend Syria. This is a high stake game for economic power.

Dow Components are Changing

The Dow components are changing effective September 23rd. Goldman Sachs (GS) , Visa (V) and Nike (NKE) are in. Alcoa (AA), Bank of America (BAC), and Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) are out.

NSA is Really After Money

If anyone believes whatever the government or politicians say is the truth, then you have your head in the sand. Edward Snowden has revealed what the NSA has really been up to. They have access to the SWIFT system of all bank transfers. They are monitoring all money movements everywhere. Anyone who truly believes these […]

September 18 – Ben Bernanke To Trim QE or Not – That is the Question

Bernanke is in a real box. He knows he needs to trim back the QE purchases, but at the same time he is concerned about the rising bond yields and interest rates. This can send the deficit much higher at a time when there is still a debt ceiling debate ahead. The question of will he […]