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Putin Forms Alliance Against US use of Force in Syria

  Russian President Vladimir Putin is finding the anti-American sentiment rising among the G20. Obama has done far more to destroy the image of the United States than perhaps any president post-Great Depression. The countries of China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Italy are now lining up against a military intervention in Syria by the […]

G20 Agrees on Worldwide Access to All Information on the Wealth of the Citizens for Global Taxation

  The G-20 summit has made a major decision that will enable the DEFLATIONARY destruction of the World Economy and life as we knew it. From here on out, the control  of all data being collected internationally (including NSA) regarding the wealth of citizens worldwide, will be made available to every member state.Under the cover […]

Cypriot economy Headed toward Depression

What the European Community did to Cyprus was a true crime. They had promised, swore even, that there would never be a default in the Euro. But Greece defaulted and that took down Cyprus. Even according to the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and IMF, the Cypriot economy is expected to contract 8.7% in […]

NSA Breaks Encryption – Here We Go Again There is nobody and nothing they have not tapped

The Guardian was the first the break the news as always on the latest NSA scandal – this time it is defeating encryption services for people’s bank accounts to private sensitive corporate information. The Guardian has been joined by the New York Times and ProPublica. All three have now jointly reported that the NSA has […]

EU imposes Travel ban for “troublemakers”/demonstrators in Europe

The EU wants to outlaw “troublemakers” from crossing borders within Europe. They mention those who riot at football matches, but they include the suppression of civil rights by including protesters at EU summits. As the economy declines, Europe is determined to suppress the people rather than reform or even invest in a mirror. It would […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Who has any Right To Force another to be Civilized

I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilized. John Stuart Mill Another, Community, Force

Lack of a Rule of Law Destroys Businesses

Small business is far too often the victim of nasty state tax collectors who seem to live to destroy jobs and businesses so they climb the ladder to get gold stars. New York State attacked the Melleadys who opened a Philly Pretzel franchise. The state tax collectors are free to interpret the laws any way they […]

Behind-the-Curtain – Why Syria Must Go – It is Gas this Time

Way too much evidence is showing that it was the Saudis who have supplied the rebels with chemical weapons not Assad. So why are the Saudis intent upon getting rid of Assad? The Saudis are planning together with Qatar a pipeline, which will run from the Gulf to Turkey. This will result in the Russian Gazprom having […]

Communism v Socialism

QUESTION: You said communism fell by itself. Is this what is taking place with socialism? ANSWER: Absolutely. Communism fell all by itself. There was no great battle with the West. State centralized planning eliminates innovation by the people (Invisible Hand) whereby necessity and opportunity are the keys to further society. If you even take the […]