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Behind-the-Curtain – Why Syria Must Go – It is Gas this Time

Way too much evidence is showing that it was the Saudis who have supplied the rebels with chemical weapons not Assad. So why are the Saudis intent upon getting rid of Assad? The Saudis are planning together with Qatar a pipeline, which will run from the Gulf to Turkey. This will result in the Russian Gazprom having […]

Communism v Socialism

QUESTION: You said communism fell by itself. Is this what is taking place with socialism? ANSWER: Absolutely. Communism fell all by itself. There was no great battle with the West. State centralized planning eliminates innovation by the people (Invisible Hand) whereby necessity and opportunity are the keys to further society. If you even take the […]

US Has ZERO Global Support – So What the Hell is So Urgent?

From Asia the sentiment against the USA is at record levels. If you were trying to win friends and respect, the Obama Administration seems to indeed be the plant from somewhere to single-handedly piss off the entire world. The view in Asia is so demeaning you have to wonder if the USA has not transformed itself […]

Putin Says If US Attacks Syria – it will be an Act of Aggression and Kerry Lied

I hate to have to say that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is for once absolutely correct. Iraq invaded its neighbor and we used that as justification for war calling it an Act of Aggression that is unacceptable in our modern age. Putin has bluntly stated that the U.S. Congress has no right to approve […]

Syria & Iran

As strange as this all gets, Syria’s main ally is Tehran. This is why the Saudi’s want Syria gone. But as always, political views only change with economics. Communism fell not because of some battle to the death. Communism collapsed all by itself because it was economically a disaster. In Iran, the June elections ushered in […]

The Truth About Solitary Confinement

Ariel Castro who was sentenced on August 1 to life plus 1,000 years in prison without the possibility of parole for abducting the three girls and keeping them imprisoned in his house, has been found in his cell hanged. Putting people in the hole who first go into prison is a favorite thing. They far […]

Gov’t Use of Porn on the Job – This Explains it All

The records have shown that there were more than 300 accesses to porn by British politicians while on the job. In the USA, evidence has only surfaced so far from the SEC. This explains Madoff never being investigated. They have personal things to do while at work.

Syria – Benghazi Connection

What is taking place in Syria is far more complicated than most people suspect. As with everything, there is the story, and then there is the truth lurking behind the story. The region has been flooded with weapons supplied to rebels initially in Libya that have flowed to Syria, Mali, and even back to the […]

Seizure of 401Ks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, In your latest post you stated “they will seize all pension funds and 401Ks to absorb the debt.” Should those with 401k’s be looking to pay the fees and cash out? Thank you, ANSWER: The behind-the-scene discussions on this issue are real. However, it does not appear that this seizure will emerge until 2016 […]

John Bolton v Lindsey Graham

There is absolutely less evidence to support an attack upon Syria than there was for Iraq. At least Iraq invaded another country. The former US Ambassador John Bolton came out and stated if he was a member of Congress he would vote NO. Meanwhile, the alleged closet homosexual who rumors on the Hill state he […]