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The Flight From Bonds Has Begun

The shift out of bonds is being noticed even in Washington these days. This is perhaps the number one issue concerning questions we have received from political and institutional circles. The rise in the Euro was in part caused by the sell off of long-term bonds. The manipulation of buying in the long-term to help […]

Nigel Farage on Syria

Nigel Farage on Syria

Gold & War

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for your active blog…I feel that l am learning a lot but questions appear to be arriving as quick as answers! It seems to me that in order for gold to shine, capital must concentrate on the commodity. This, you have stated, will likely come after the Dow sees a phase transition – the […]

When The Top Are Criminals – There Is Nobody To Enforce The Law

There is no government that has prosecuted its citizens more than the United States. The USA has more people in prison than Europe, China, and Russia nearly even combined. New York City and Mayor Bloomberg spends $168,000 per year per inmate. When you consider that only 4% of the people in prison are there for […]

NSA Paid Microsoft & Others to Circumvent The Courts – This is Now Criminal

The Guardian has now revealed that the NSA paid millions of dollars to Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Facebook to cover the cost of its illegal activity AFTER the courts ruled that what it was doing was unconstitutional and they could not separate domestic surveillance from pretended international. This all took place AFTER a court ruled that some […]

Real Estate

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned before that real estate will decline from 2015.75 and will continue for over 10 years.  Do you still feel that way and why? Thanks,”   1933 Virginia Land Foreclosure Auction ANSWER: Real Estate is a strikingly different animal. The 30-year mortgage was created by FDR to try to restore the value […]

No Indication of Postponement Yet

  Brazil Demonstrations There is a possibility of a postponement for the Phase Transition (doubling in value) in the US share market into 2025. A postponement could be caused by war. Otherwise, that issue aside, everything is still lined up in that direction. We have the capital flows pouring out of India, Brazil, and it […]

There is no long-term future without serious reform

COMMENT:  Yes you are correct MA  Australia is way to socialistic!!  This country needs people with brains but those with them don’t want to stay because they can feel the isolation and limit of the countries location.   But do you think the UK is any better??  Look at it , it follows US in […]

The Fire is Burning – We Need More Fuel

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong,   I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does what you say about the DJIA equate equally with the S&P 500, or are they going to diverge and one goes up, while the other crashes? […]

Switzerland is beautiful – But the banks are not safe I think anywhere you go these days

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thanks for the education, I read every article you post. As a European ex-pat long based in S.E. Asia, I agree that Switzerland is probably one of the safest places to store wealth. However recently, the Swiss enacted a Bail-in law, whats more my 200+ yr old Swiss bank plans to change its […]